Private Notes

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Name: Chay Johanna Eischen

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation- Head editor of a huge publishing house

Family: Elias Eischen (father), Ilsa Eischen (mother), Axel Eischen (brother)

Personality: Chay is very thorough in anything she does. She is highly intelligent and can see through bullshit easily. Her words are usually well-orchestrated and she is definitely someone you do not want to debate. At all. Despite that stern facade at work, she is actually a very kind woman who cares about the people around her, seeing the beauty in everyone and everything

Likes: Classical music, babysitting younger children, sleep, and old photographs

Dislikes: Incorrect grammar, book burning and book bans, and bees.

Backstory: The Eischens grew up in a politically powerful family, their riches stemming quite far back. Their father, a well-known and genuinely good politician had always been favored by the people. He dared to challenge the status quo, and taught his children to dare to fight those seemingly indomitable. Unfortunately, his work resulted in his murder. Chay had then ultimately been raised by her brother Axel, and strove to challenge the status quo through literature. She used her resources that came with her privilege and prospered.

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