The Loverboy (Shingeki No Kyojin)

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Name: Axel Everett Eischen

Age: 27 (Season 4)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Hometown: Marley

Occupation: Aide to Warriors in Marley and Earl of the Eischen family (though he goes by Lord Eischen)

Family: Elias Eischen (father), Ilsa Eischen (mother), Chay Eischen (sister)

Personality: Axel is a charismatic man. He has a large vocabulary and loves to use elaborate words and phrases in casual discussion. He is extremely sarcastic but also has a rather flamboyant personality. He's a huge flirt, loving to try and romantically impress men and women alike. Some might call him overconfident or ignorant, when in reality he is very much aware of how he's looked down upon for being Eldian. He tries to make the most of it and display his talents, especially singing, to smear the line between the racial divide. He always seems happy, but never forget he's a trained killer. He respects his lover, always making sure they feel loved and comfortable. Never does he show disrespect towards them. He may be a flirt but he knows how to act. Don't mistake his kindness and overconfident nature for weakness.

Allies: The Marleyan Warriors

Likes: Classical music, singing, dates, flirting, reading, dancing, and paintings

Dislikes: The never-ending cycle of war, the Marleyan government, people who mistreat their lovers, and out of tune pitches.

Friends: Zeke Jaeger, Colt Grice, Marcel Galliard, Porco Galliard, Pieck Finger, Annie Leonhart, and Bertholdt Hoover.

Combat: 10/10
Initiative: 7/10
Wits: 10/10
Teamwork: 8/10
Friendship: 7/10

Status: Alive

Voice Claim: Jonah Scott (1:54)

Axel was born into a family of musicians. He got to experience this a little bit more than his little sister considering he's older. His family was a highly respected Eldian family, very rare in type. They sang and performed at wealthy parties, assemblies, for diplomats, for ceremonies, and more. However, Elias Eischen was an Eldian Restorationist and told his children of Marley's lies behind closed doors. Eventually, he was arrested and turned into a Pure Titan. Desperate to salvage the family reputation, Ilsa Eischen sacrificed her children to the military. Chay was taken to the Warrior Program and Axel was trained to become a spy and high-ranking officer. He was treated like actual shit, juxtaposed to the pedestal he was on in his early life. He learned how to kill without a second thought, lie, and fight. He was extremely good in his work and embellished more honor onto his family in the eyes of Marley. He was sent to various places to help soldiers in their divisions or assassinate suspicious figures. However, he never lost his charismatic and romantic touch in the slightest. He was still flirting with girls and guys whenever he saw them, and was always referred to as a loverboy. He never seemed to mind.

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