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Dear Drama,

Can I be the first to say that boys annoy the shit out of me 24/7 every day of the week and that there should be a mute button on them somewhere? For example, today in fact my friend got her phone taken away because she had to go a whole day without her phone, and she acts like her phone is her whole life! So she grabbed it and started to type something and to check what we were doing with it and she totally bent over so that her butt was blocking my friend from getting it back. Anyway phones aren't the point right now. Eventually one of the freakin' annoying boys saw what they were doing and screamed "What the heck! What are you two doing" Eventually everyone saw. See why can't boys shut their mouth and become blind for a day? It would help the female population A LOT.

Another thing I don't get about boys, all boys in general do this for some damn reason or at my school they do if you guys were wondering and didn't know and never met a boy in your whole human existence is why they rate girls/woman on their boobs, butt, and face? I mean it shouldn't matter whether the girl has acne, small boobs or a big butt it matters what's on the inside such as their personality NOT, I repeat NOT on how they look.

One more thing that still confuses me and I don't know why in hell they still do this. Boys think that girls are terrible at sports... I mean we shouldn't always have to be MVP's to be chosen. We should have some rights to you know! This isn't the early 1900s, what the Hell! Girls shouldn't be rated on how they look, how they act, or how well they should play sports girls are unique in their own way. So fuck this boy drama I'm sick of it.

Your #1 Fan,


April 27, 2015

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