Campfire Memories

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She got up and headed to the table where they had extra packs of marshmallows lying around, a lot of graham crackers and chocolate spread. She spread chocolate on a lot of the graham crackers and laid them out so it's faster to get the s'mores done.

"If your marshmallow's done, bring it up here so I could do it for you." She called out and nearly everyone handed her their sticks. She called out their names to get their s'more and when it was Mr.Pelton's turn, she handed him two.

"That one's for Annabel. Would you please hand it to her? I'll be done quicker this way." She told him and quickly turned around to show him that the conversation is over. Richard stared at her for a few seconds, swearing that she was doing this on purpose, and then headed to Annabel.

"Here you go." He was staring straight ahead but he handed her the s'more.

"What's this?"

"A s'more."

"I can see that. Why are you handing it to me?"

"Tiffany said this one was yours."

"No thank you. I can get one myself." She got up to head to Tiffany when he stopped her.

"Just take it. There's nothing wrong with handing someone else a s'more. Or is there?" He glared at her and she glared right back.

"Give it to Rebeca."

"No, it's yours." He hissed at her and tried shoving it in her hands but she wasn't taking it.

"𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑒 I'll be taking my s'mores." She snatched both if the s'mores out of his hands and gave him a challenging stare.

"Hand that one back."

"No, it's mine. You gave it to me first."

"I only gave you one."

"And I took two. Do you have a problem?"

"Yes, I do. Now give it back."

"Fine, I never wanted them anyways." She shoved them back into his hands and turned around and started walking away.

"Where are you going?"

"To sleep."

"Annabel, come back here."


He growled in frustration, marched after her, dragged her back to the log and shoved her so she was sitting on it.

"Just take both of them. I can make more." He handed her the s'mores.

She stood up and they glared at each other.

"I don't want them. I'm not hungry anymore."

"Oh so you're hungry?"

"I'm not."

"You just said you are."

"I said I'm not anymore. Are you too dumb to understand?"

"You're going to eat them."

"I'm not." She handed them back to him.

"Yes you are." He handed them back.

Everyone was watching them go back and forth like it was a tennis match.

"No, I will not be eating them." She shoved them back in his hands.

"If you don't eat them this instance I will shove them down your throat."

"I dare you."

He took that as a challenge and attacked her with the s'mores. She screeched and tried to get away but he caught her and they fell on top of each other, rolling in the snow. Richard tried shoving the s'more into her mouth but she clamped it shut, so instead, it's was smudging all over her face.

Mr.Pelton and His Five ChildrenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang