Chapter 7 - Date A Day Out

Start from the beginning

Natsumi walks up the to box. "And which one would you like young miss?" The old man asks.

"Erm. The bird one." The short girl says quietly.

"Sure, here you go." He says handing her the bird. As she grasps it, she lets out a small gasp, perhaps of joy and hugs the bird to her chest with both hands.

"Could I have that cute cat one, please?" Kurumi asks, walking up to the man.

"Of course." He hands the cat to her, which he hugs as well. "I can see those puppets are going to a good home." He says, with a gently smile on his face. I can only smile at the two girls nodding at the man's guess.

"Excuse me." A voice says, behind us. I turn my head to look at the speaker.

'Oh shit.'

That thought sums the situation up entirely. Standing there is a beautiful girl, with long, light purple hair and grayish eyes. She wears a short, purple dress and a pink jacket over it, only slightly hiding her ample 'assets'. She also has brown shoes complete with a yellow flower clip on then both, a third rests in her hair.

In front of me is none other than Miku Izayoi. And considering the fact I can feel Reiryoku coming from her, she's already become a Spirit. Of course! It's October, 6 months until April, Miku supposedly became a Spirit 6 months before canon.

This cannot end well.

"Could you give me those puppets?" She asks the old man sweetly. Odd she'd even ask nicely, what with her hating men and all.

"Hey!" "Don't skip!" "What are you doing, girl?" People in the line behind us shout, clearly upset at her.

The idol turns to the people and says"Hush.", Reiryoku lacing the very sound of her voice.

"!!" "?" "?!" The three of us simultaneously tense at the feeling.

The people's eyes widen before they begin speaking again. "Of course, Onne-sama." "We're sorry."

Fuck, seeing this in the anime made me sick, but to see it here is just... I can't even put it into words. Awful. It's awful. Just another reason to be pissed at Mio, I suppose.

"Young lady, there was a line. You really shouldn't skip like that." The old man gently admonishes Miku.

"I said give me those puppets, you stupid man." Again she uses Gabriel to mind control the guy.

'And there it is.'

"Of course Onee-sama." The old man begins to hand the box to her-

"Ahem." A sound interrupts the moment, one coming from Kurumi, of all people. O-hoho! This is gonna be good.

"Hmm? Oh my! Aren't you cute!" She says, while getting closer to Kurumi. Doing this, she also pushes me out of the way.

'Well fuck you too.'

"Why thank you." Kurumi says while holding a hand to her face. Natsumi just stands there, dumbfounded. "You're quite cute as well." Miku's eyes notice the cat puppet in the other girl's hand.

"Oh and that puppets is quite cute as well! Give it to me, would you." She says, not asks.

"This? No thank you, I quite like it."

"I said give me the puppet." Her Reiryoku washes over Kurumi, unlike the people who absorbed it. The red eyed Spirit's eyes narrow.

"Well, aren't you rude?" At this, Miku seems shocked her powers didn't word. Instead of trying again, she simply reaches for the puppet.

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