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"I'm so sorry I'm late!" I said, running up to my boss, who was glaring at me. "this is the 4th time this week, Deidara! And the 12th time this month! You're late, you're always getting shifts covered, and you're always taking sick days!" my boss said, and I looked at him. "I know, I know. And I'm really sorry, I've just been super busy lately and-"

"Deidara I'm afraid I have to fire you," he cut me off. The blood drained from my face. "what? But I-" I started, but was cut off again. "I'm sorry, but I just can't keep doing this!" he responded. I looked down. "okay..." I muttered, slowly wandering off. Did I actually just get fired!? What am I supposed to do now!?

I trudged out of the store, holding back tears as I started to walk home.


"Naruto?" I called as I walked into my room, but remembered that he was at his friend's house. I don't know which friend, I think the redhead?

I sighed. Maybe ill call Itachi. He must not have plans if he invited me over, right? I picked up my phone and clicked on his contact. It rang only once before Itachi picked up. "hey!" I said and I heard some muffled noises and then a response. "hey, Deidara! What's up? I thought you were working," he replied, and I sighed.

"Yeah. I got fired," I said, and Itachi gasped. "why!?" he exclaimed, and I laughed. "ill tell you in person. Can I come over?" I asked. "sure!" come whenever. Is naruto coming?" he questioned, and I shook my head and said "no."

"Okay! See you soon!" he replied excitedly. He hung up and I smiled.


Arriving at Itachi's house, I was about to knock on the door when it swung open. "hey!" he said, and I was surprised. I must have looked confused because he explained. "I saw you coming up the driveway through my bedroom window."

"oh!" I laughed. "come on in!" he exclaimed, pulling me inside. I saw Mikoto in the kitchen. "hi Mrs. Uchiha!" I called as I was pulled up the stairs by Itachi. "hello dear!" she yelled back, and Itachi pulled me inside his room.

"why don't you like it when I'm spending time outside of your room?" I asked Itachi, who just sighed. "my dad. He's... untrusting, of new people. And if he knew-" he stopped. "knew what?" I pressed, but Itachi just shook his head. "Nothing."

"Okay." I shrugged.

We were on Itachi's floor, I was sitting cross-legged, and he was on his knees. "what do you want to do?" he asked me, and I shrugged. I don't know... we could ask each other questions! Or like... truth or dare, uhh there's always a board game, too," I suggested, and he smiled. "truth or dare sounds good, even though it's just the two of us," he replied. I grinned. "that's fine."

"Okay, ill go first," Itachi said. "truth or dare."

"um, truth," I replied and he sat there for a second before answering. "why don't you defend yourself when you're being bullied?" he asked, and I looked down at my feet. "because if I do it gets worse," I said. "but-"

"My turn!" I exclaimed. "truth or dare?" I said, trying to change the subject.

"truth," he replied, and I already had one for him. "what girl do you find the cutest in our school? Wait... no... you like guys, too. Guy or girl," I asked, and he looked surprised. "well... I'm going to have to say you, Deidara," he replied, and I laughed. "no, like seriously."

"Ummm... my answer is still you," Itachi said, and I laughed nervously. "but I'm not the cutest guy, let alone compared to the girls," I spoke, but he just shook his head. "you."

"ah... thank you," I said, my face red. I looked down. "my turn!" Itachi said. "truth or dare, Deidara?" "well... let's go with a dare," I replied, and he nodded. "let me think."

"I dare you to... go into Sasuke's room, grab his pillow and come back here as fast as you can remember to lock the door when you come back in though because he's not going to be happy," Itachi dared me. "um... weird dare, but okay..." I responded, getting up and opening the door. I walked down the hall to Sasuke's room.

I ran in and grabbed the pillow. Sasuke got up immediately. "hey!" he yelled after I started to run. This kid was fast I ran down the hall and fumbled with the door, and I got in, shut the door, locked it, and collapsed on the ground. A few moments later, we heard pounding on the door.

"Itachi! Tell your friend to give me my pillow back!" he yelled, and Itachi just laughed. "no! You can have it back when he goes home!" he called back. I was still on the floor, I sat up, back into my original position. "here just let me throw it out into the hallway, that's guaranteed to piss him off," I said, and Itachi nodded.

I tossed the pillow out, but quickly locked the door again, not wanting to get beaten up by an angry Sasuke.

"Okay, I laughed, returning to Itachi. "my turn."

"truth," he replied. "come on! Pick dare! What, are you scared or something?" I asked, and he glared at me. "no! I- never mind. Fine. Dare," he replied and laughed. "Great! I dare you to... get this... shirt," I said, spotting a crumpled-up shirt on the floor, "out of my hands in... let's say 1 minute," I challenged him. He grinned. "Easy. I can do that," he smirked.

"three, two, one, go!" I said, standing up. He stood up as well, and I expected him to strategize, but instead, he just ran at me, trying to take it by force. "Ay!" I yelped, jumping out of the way. I evaded him a couple more times, but eventually, he caught me.

He grabbed my wrists, pushing me against the wall. He let go of one of my wrists and grabbed the balled-up shirt from my hands. "he dangled it in front of my face, coming closer. "got it, he said, throwing it out of my face.

"yeah, but it took you longer than a minute," I teased. "what did you just say?" he asked, gripping my other wrist and pushing me tightly against the wall. "I said..." I started, "that it took you longer than a minute. You failed," I tried to squirm out of his grip, but he was strong.

"no. I still won," I said, coming closer. I could feel his breath on my face. I gulped. He just paused, realizing what he was doing. I looked into his beautiful dark eyes and said "alright. You won. Whatever you want."

"can you let go of me?" I asked him, but he just stood there. "Itachi?"

I suddenly felt him press his lips against mine. "mmph!" I explained, surprised. But I slowly began to kiss him back, because I liked it. He pulled away. "I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking I don't-" I grabbed him, pulling him back in for another kiss.

"it's okay," I murmured and he smiled, kissing me again. I was still against the wall, and he pressed me up against it more as our kiss became a little more heated.

He licked my bottom lip. Did he want in? I hesitantly parted my lips to feel something warm and soft slip inside, Itachi's tongue.

"Haa," I sighed as he explored my mouth, running his tongue along with mine. This was amazing.

I gently pushed back with my own tongue, unsure as to what to do. I've never kissed anyone before.

Itachi pulled away, and thank goodness because I couldn't breathe. "i-" he started, but I cut him off. "I liked that."

He laughed nervously. "I liked that too..." he muttered, and I smiled at him, and he let my hands go. I'm not sure what to do! "Deidara..." Itachi paused. "I really like you."

"I really like you, too," I said, laughing slightly. "then you won't mind being my boyfriend?" he asked and I held back a gasp.

"I would love to be your boyfriend."

(A/N: I'm sorry, I know this is a short chapter. I'm going to try updating one more time today. I'm also debating whether or not to do a bit of a time skip, I probably am, I'm just not telling you when to haha, you'll have to see in the next chapter. thanks for being patient and I'm sorry if I don't get another one out today!)

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