|4|Suicidal Mushroom Girl

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Everyone heard of the silent killer in the shadows they call 'Box'. They all know they use those who are close to you to kill you. All of the Yogs had broken apart. They're scared for themselves and who they love. Friends collapsed, and complete isolation dawned on them. They would all be killed anyway, selected for the box or not. They were all waiting in fear, but they didn't realise that with Rythian dead, there is still one person in the box.



"Kill me. Please. Just kill me."Zoeya's voice became hard and sharp. A command.

"Now, now, Zoeya, what would be the fun in that?"

"Do what you want! I don't care anymore. Just kill me now."Her legs buckled."I've already done what's worthy of death."She whispered.

The speakers went dead. Zoeya saw the red buttons, and debated whether breaking them would result in plastic shards, or some sort of knife like item. She hoped she could kill herself. Would she be able to? Did she have the guts?

Zoeya sat on the floor and looked at the ceiling. Her usual red hair was now crimson, so were her clothes. They were stained with Rythian's blood. She cried too often, and she hated herself for loving him. She wondered what it felt like to be heartless, and if heartless was this. Her hands, they smelt metallic. They were also a dark red. She licked the tip of her finger, and cringed. She was no vampire. She hated him for being so selfish. He died, and he only brought more sadness to those around him. And that's why Zoeya wants to die so much. She wants to join him, wherever he is. She loves him too much.

"I'm sure you are aware of the Box's features and capabilities. I assure you, you die when you mean to die."The voice. That's the one who teleported her here in the first place. Zoeya, had now decided her means of death. Dehydration or famine. Either is fine. Zoeya believed that Rythian didn't understand that she would be happiest if she were just with him. Tears trickled down Zoeya's face again as thoughts raced in her mind. 'What if Rythian hates me?', 'What if he meant to kill Tee?', 'What if he is a murderer?'.

Due to her silence the voice spoke again."Not drinking and eating will have dire consequences, Zoeya."

"Like death?!"Zoeya bounced off the floor and smiled.

"You know, Rythian would die to see that smile again."

"But he's already dead."It pained her to say those words. The words regarding his death.

And the voice left her alone again."Why do you suddenly cut off?"

"Because you never listen."

Two days later, Zoeya was still refusing food and water, and she was slowly dying. The scientists hadn't seen this before. and they decided to resort to...

The lights dimmed, and Zoeya knew enough to know that it was time. But what she didn't expect was a figure of a person. A figure of a person she knew and loved all too well.

Rythian Enderborn.


She cried out in joy and she jumped to him, and found he wasn't there. He wasn't real.

"I'm a ghost, Zoeya."Rythian turned to her."That doesn't mean I'm weak, though."Rythian conjured a purple flame.

"It's okay Ryth!"Zoeya smiled."I will die soon! And finally we can live together in happiness an peace, with Tee!"

"I wanted you to smile. But I never expected you to smile at your suicide."Rythian's voice became cold."You killed me. I'm okay with that. I'd rather get killed by you than Sjin or Duncan."

"Right!"Zoeya jumped on her feet."I will die soon! I will soon go to the world were you don't have to worry about pain, suffering and we can finally love each oth-"


"What?"Curiosity leapt in her eyes."Is there something wrong?"

"Before you kill yourself, let me do one thing."

"Oh! Are you going to fireball me so I can die quicker?"

"No, this spell is one that won't harm you in any way."

"Fine then, I guess. Cast away!"

"I, Rythian Enderborn, command you to LIVE!"

Golden particles surrounded Zoeya as she tried to back away, and hit a wall."Rythian... No... Why would you do this?! I wanted to be with you, no matter what! Why? Why? Why?"

She crumpled to the floor and sobbed."Is that so wrong?"She screamed."I want to be with you, forever. And now... You tear us apart. Forever." Zoeya glowed gold and her body forced her to go to the water, no matter what resistance she put up. She swallowed all the water and ate the bread, still screaming.

"Bastard."She growled, and she knew Rythian was surprised she was swearing.

"You will never see me again, Zoeya, and I think it's for the best."

We're the last words Zoeya ever heard from Rythian the Endermage.


"Do what you want to me. It's not like I can die."Monotone laced her voice.


Suddenly, she felt a whirlwind scoop her up, before she hit the ground, knocked out.

"Hello? Zoeya? Are you okay?"A warm voice echoed from her right. She groaned and cringed as she sat up.

"Oh! Thank god you're okay! I thought I had lost you!"

Zoeya looked to her right, to find the familiar face of Nanosounds."Nano!"She cried, soon locking her in tight embrace.

"Where were you? How did you crash... Here?"Nano asked, pointing at the crater Zoeya was in.

The Mushroom girl glanced around, and gasped almost immediately."This is... Blackrock crater. The nuke... and... I can't remember..."

"Don't worry about it. Either way, I'll contact Lalna to arrange a meeting at the Flux Buddies Hill."


Soon after, everyone in Yogs Ville was there, on the small hill that Hat Films rejuvenated. Everyone was there, even Ridge and Bebop. Zoeya stood next to Nano, who gave her an encouraging push towards Lalna.

"Zoeya."Lalna nodded.

"Lalna."She replied.

"We'd all like to know, did you go in the Box?"

"Yes."Murmurs floated in the air.

"Is Rythian dead?"

"Yes."Gasps erupted from the weaker hearted.

"Who killed him?"

"I did."

Aluminium broadswords pointed at Zoeya's head, and she gave them all a withering look."If you want information, then have this. The Box is a cube where you die horribly."

"Then how did you survive?"

"Rythian cursed me."She looked at Parvis."Kill me, Parvis."

Without hesitation, Parv threw a sacrificial dagger at Zoeya's heart. It would have killed her, if there was no golden barrier stopping it. The dagger fell to the floor, and Zoeya picked it up."Rythian cast a spell on me that forces me to live."She raised her voice slightly."And all I ever wanted from him, was death. He doesn't understand. The only thing I ever wanted was to stay with him forever, is that so wrong?"

Everyone was silent."The only thing you should fear in this world."Zoeya looked around."Is the Box."

He turned around and walked away slowly."I hate being treated like shit, and Rythian can die in hell."

Bye, Zoeya.

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