|2|Troubled Dwarf

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The death of Xephos had spread quickly in the world, everyone was alert. Whatever could kill their leader could easily kill him, but the orange bearded dwarf refused to believe it. Xephos could not be dead, he was too strong, and powerful. Honeydew was exhausted, everybody was. Someone-or something-was making them work to the limit. He had spent his day deep in the mines, never stopping until the evening. Everybody worked like this, and not one knew why. Honeydew suddenly felt a painful sensation and words that were not his own burned in his mind:

'You are next.'


Honeydew lay, knocked unconscious, on the white floor of a white box. He shivered. He managed to persuade the others not to visit him, and believe he was sick. Really sick. They all believed him, of course, and after a few visits and lies, they left Honeydew to live a solitary life. In the end, Honeydew knew they didn't care. The flowers they gave him wilted and got covered in coal dust. The smiles they gave him were sad and pitiful. He was already losing his mind, nothing went beyond contemplation, thankfully. Until Honeydew the Dwarf reached the Box, that is.

Just remember that the Box is an experiment. An insanity counter. There are some who weren't quite sane in the first place, Lalna, Nanosounds, and those with almost outstanding calm, Inthelittlewood, Zoeya. And as you know all too well, this is also for the entertainment purposes of our beloved Gods in the sky.

"Where am I?"Exclaimed the Dwarf, glancing at what could not be glanced at.

"You are in the Box, a secured room with basic human needs. I'm sure you have heard about Xephos' death. I had nothing to do with it. Xephos killed himself, If you wanted to know."

"Who are you?! Xeph... Killed himself? He couldn't have, he is too strong!"The ginger shook his head and sat cross-legged on the, guess what, white floors.

"I'm Testificate_MD, remember me? Xephos is dead, face it, Dwarf. And, I wasn't completely sitting out on this one..."

"Answer my question, clone guy. Did you kill Xephos or not?"

"I only taunted him a little. But it seems taunts make him kill."

You're no help to me. Fuck off."

"Your imprudence will make you pay. Xephos was much easier than you, and kept both his pride and obedience until death."Honeydew listened to the voice fade away as he sighed. 'Whatever happened to Xeph would not happen to me.'He thought, then realized, 'Except death, that is.'


Honeydew sat in his chair, and he wasn't that surprised at the simple things he was provided. He had experienced worse. His job was to mine precious gems and jewels from the depths of the world. As a Dwarf he was inclined to do this, dig until he can't dig any more. With his so called sickness, he couldn't give ores to the other Yogs. But a Dwarf can only go so long without delving into the depths. He threw the materials outside of people's houses, he didn't have anything else to do with them, after all.

His house burned down. He lived in the mines, but now he was here. And to be honest, on day one, Honeydew the Dwarf wanted to die. That's what science can do to people. Honeydew was always a happy-go-lucky Dwarf, now he's almost always depressed and has constant suicidal thoughts. And this room-how it looked like a hospital, where the mentally sick go.

He thought no one cared. Cared about him. They all have their partners already, and what dawned on him was the utter isolation he was giving himself. Xephos had Lomadia and Lalna, both clever, intelligent and beautiful. And there was him, a squat little Dwarf who proved insignificant to any progress he commanded. And he thought to himself, 'Perhaps this room is for the better? Guaranteed death gives one purpose.' Honeydew relaxed with the fact that death would come soon to claim him.

Meanwhile, the scientists were bustling behind the panels, observing every move the victim made. Which seemed to be nothing. He just looked like... He was waiting for death. They observed the surveillance cameras slowly. The Dwarf did nothing, it seemed that this time, this data was an outlier. So perhaps they should just get on with it?

To reach Death on day one?

To lose to Xephos?

To destroy the future?


The edges of the Box set alight, and Honeydew's eyes glowed as bright as the flames. He stood up, and threw the wooden chair into the fire, kindling it. To hellfire with you. Honeydew slipped into a trance as the fire creeped towards him.

"Die from the very flames you use to melt your metals. Die in the very heart of a dragon. Die because you are a failure to science-


the Dwarf's eyes slipped closed as flames crept over his body.


Ash was everywhere, there was nothing left. Minty glanced at the remains of Simon's ruined house that burned down a few weeks ago. She was out in a position of looting it. After all, Honeydew burnt to death in the Box, and everyone was getting ever so anxious.

Minty found something that wasn't ash, definitely burnt, but not ash. And it was moving...

She slowly advanced to the moving thing and gasped, it was Honeydew. And-he was still breathing. In that split second, Minty just stood there. Unable to move. Soon enough, she would turn around, get help, and try to save the Dwarf. But now, she just stood there and hoped to God she wouldn't get selected.


Honeydew sat up in a soft bed, something g he hasn't lay on in a long time. He cringed at the burns which were all heavily bandaged as he shuffled upwards. The first thing he felt was impact, and he saw the shining face of Lalna in front of him, beaming.

"I'm so glad you're awake! We all thought you were going to die! Thank the heavens!"

"Y-you care about me?"

"Of course I do! We're best friends, and I feel you've been floating further and further away, and I couldn't get to you. I knew you were sick, but I hope it's all fine. When I heard you were selected for the Box, I was horrified. I thought it was certain death, but no, I am grateful you survived, Honeydew."

"Thanks."The Dwarf looked down.

"And-can you tell me about the Box? We need to know everything about it."Lalna brings out his notepad.

All Honeydew thought was that Lalna was sweet-talking him so that he could get information off him. 'The jerk'. He would never tell the truth to a lying rat."I would never tell the likes of you, scum."Honeydew hissed as he ran out the door, ignoring the burns.

Honeydew was never seen again from that day.

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