chapter thirty three

Start from the beginning

My eyelids are beginning to get heavy and I can't keep them open any longer. I give in and shut them, falling asleep.

(I haven't used a time skip in awhile oh my goshhh)

I slowly open my eyes and feel that my head is on someone's shoulder, probably Karl's, that's so nice of him to stay here and not disturb my sleep. I dart my eyes around the room and find a window, it's still pitch dark outside, it's probably 1-3am right about now. I pick my head up and rub my eyes, I turn to Karl, but..

it's Wilbur.

"oh shit, I'm so sorry for falling asleep on you like that, I thought you were Karl" I murmur.

"it's okay, I just didn't want to disturb you, you looked like you needed the sleep" he gives me a soft smile.

"I'll just go back home now, thank you for the fun day today" I get up, but Wilbur grabs my hand. I jolt at the sudden movement.

"just stay here for the night, I'm sure Karl won't mind if you sleep in his bed with him" he insists.

"okay, I guess it is pretty late to walk home right now" I smile and walk up the stairs sleepily, leaving Wilbur in the dark.

but before I reached the top Wilbur speaks up, "goodnight, I lo- oh, sorry I'm used to saying night to Quackity, goodnight Sapnap"

"goodnight Wilbur" I say back to him before going to Karl's room.

I enter his room and I feel the sudden temperature change, he has his fan on. He looks like he's in a pretty deep sleep and I don't want to wake him.

shit, what do I do now. I don't want to get into his bed and risk waking him up, but I don't want to sleep on the floor either.

I stand there just contemplating what to do for a couple minutes, and I come to the conclusion of going back downstairs to sleep on the couch. I was doing that before, so why can't I do that now.

every single light that was on before I went to sleep are now shut off and I can't see a thing, I don't have his house layout memorized to the point where I can find my way around in the dark.

I grab onto the railing for stability and feel the edges of the stairs with my foot, slowly making my way down the stairs.

Finally, I reach the bottom and am not so cautious. I grab onto the couch and fall on-top of it.

hopefully I can sleep just as easily as I did a few hours ago.

I keep tossing and turning as I try to find a comfortable spot but nothings working. I sit up in defeat. Nothing to look at, nothing to listen to, I'm just sitting in silence.

I don't know what to do now, I can't fall asleep on the couch and I can't walk home now, it's way too dangerous, I also can't sleep in Karl's bed, I'll end up waking him up. The only extra room is the room Quackity and Wilbur are sleeping in.

So, I guess I'll have to pull out my phone and stay up all night.

That's exactly what I did, except it's only been an hour of me doing that, I'm bored, but not tired. I know I'm going to have a headache in the morning if I don't sleep, but I can't.

I turn off my phone and lay in the dark staring at the ceiling in silence, waiting for me to magically fall asleep without feeling tired at all.

I stay still, in that position for an hour, I know it's been an hour because I checked the time on my phone. I groan in frustration, but then I hear a creaking noise come from the stairs, breaking the dreadful silence. It's Quackity.

"what are you doing down here?" he asks.

"I could ask you the same thing" I reply.

"getting water, I woke up and I'm thirsty, now answer my question" he wakes over to the kitchen and pours himself some water.

"I don't want to wake up Karl by getting into bed with him so I decided to sleep on the couch again, but I can't fall asleep" I sigh.

"hmm, I guess you'll just have to risk waking him up then" he shrugs and walks back upstairs.

Shortly after I hear the same creaking noise.

"Quackity did you run out of water already" I scoff as I look over towards the staircase, but this time it's Wilbur.

"no, he didn't, he's fast asleep now" he smiles.

"what are you doing here?" I question.

why is everyone coming downstairs and getting water all of a sudden.

"getting water for myself, I didn't want to steal Quackity's" he murmurs.

of course he's getting water too, just as I suspected.

"Quackity told me why you're down here before he fell asleep" he says.

"oh, why did he do that" I furrow my eyebrows.

"he was trying to get a solution for you, but I couldn't think of one either" he grabs his cup of water and puts it on the table infront of me.

He pushes me up into a sitting position as he takes a seat beside me. I look at him with a confused look on my face, questioning what he's doing. He sees that I'm confused but still says nothing.

"wha-" Wilbur covers my mouth to shut me up before I can ask any questions.

"you're so loud, don't wake up the others" he whispers.

I apologize and he lays down, pulling me down with him, he wraps his arms around me and I instantly feel myself getting sleepy.

"Since you fell asleep on my shoulder earlier I was thinking maybe you'd fall asleep with someone here with you, but since you don't want to wake up Karl, I'm your next best thing" he giggles.

"I doubt it'll work"

that was the last thing I said before I found myself closing my eyes and drifting to sleep.

words: 1661

author's note: I have no wifi where I'm at right now, so I decided to write a couple of chapters to post when I get wifi, enjoy

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