remember what we were.

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That's all you could think. Run. You couldn't let the separatists catch you.

You ran as fast as your legs could carry you, swerving through the forests of Naboo. Tears streamed down your face.

Padmè's apartment wasn't far. Just on the other side of the forest. If you could just make it there, you would be safe. They wouldn't dare invade a senator's apartment.

It became hard to breathe as you kept running.

The droids were gaining on you. You could hear their "roger, roger"s and they were getting closer.

You ignored them. They were nothing but Dooku's minions to you. And they were nothing but tools to him.

You couldn't believe what your life had come to. A few months ago, your life was perfect.

Your floral dress blew in the wind as you looked to the horizon.

You used to stand just like this and daydream, but there was nothing left to daydream about. You had everything you ever wanted.

"What are you thinking about?"

You hadn't even heard him approach. You turned to face him. "You."

Anakin raised a brow. "Me?"

You nodded. "My thoughts of you are the most beautiful."

Anakin walked closer to you, his leather glove cupping your face, his dark clothes a stark contrast to your spring-like attire.

"I always remember you like this."

You sighed. "I'm not going to die in war, Anakin. I promise you."

Anakin smiled sadly. "Don't make promises you can't keep."

"Well, maybe you should make one for me."


"Promise me, that if I perish in battle, You'll care for the twins, and that you won't lose yourself in my loss."

"I promise."

A part of you wondered if he was right. Are you really going to die?

A single tear pricked our eyes. "Maybe we should make the most of our time together now."

Anakin nodded, pulling you into his chest. A single kiss pressed to your forehead.

A single tear drop fell from your eyes. You wondered if Anakin was crying too.

At least, If these were your last days, hours, or moments, they were beautiful. You loved Naboo.

And you loved Anakin.

You hoped the two of you got more time together.

You stumbled slightly as you ran, you decided not to remember anymore, it would only slow you down.

You could see the other side. You were so close.

As you turned around to look at the inquisitors, you ran straight into someone, causing you to fall.

He's here.

Of course, he was. He wouldn't trust the droids to handle such a high-profile individual.

"Well. Look what we have here."

You didn't remove your hood, He didn't care enough to make you.

"Please just leave me be, I just want to go to my friend's house."

EPHEMERAL- A. SKYWALKER IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now