negotiation pt2

730 9 4

(yeah i gave up on giving it another name. also smut warning. um kinda dubious consent? like she wants to, but she snot really in a position to tell him no)

You stared at the shiny black walls of the Emperor's Imperial Star Destroyer.

You held back tears as the handmaidens Vader had found for you put heaps of makeup on your face.

You wondered if Vader knew you would want to wear traditional Nubian makeup, or if he wanted you to look like someone else.

He had his own imperial twist put on your makeup, with the Nubian accents painted black instead of red.

You sat completely still. You allowed handmaids to contort your hair into whatever Vader had requested. An elaborate hairstyle, one that you're sure he didn't come up with on his own.

They danced all around you and throughout the room, until finally, They placed a pearl decoration that hung down to the lower part of your forehead atop your head. The finishing touch.

You rose to your feet. They scrambled to retrieve the dress. You, once again, remained still as they dressed you in a beautiful white gown. A gown with a corset bodice and flower decorations all over.

Then, Rubilè, your favourite of your handmaids, approached you with a sheer fabric. She hesitated for a moment. "Are you alright, My Lady?"

You nodded. "Yes, Rubilè. Thank you."

She nodded and placed the fabric over your face, shielding it from the world.

Shemilè straightened out your train, and the rest of the handmaidens took their places behind you.

"Are you ready, My lady?" Ysoelè asked you.

You nodded.

The eight of you made your way down the hall, and you tried not to cry.

How did you get here?

How could you let Vader trick you?

You had blindly followed Vader at the sound of Anakin Skywalker's voice.

Vader wasn't Anakin.

You had gathered that much. He had gotten inside your head, and used Anakin to lure you into his trap.

Anakin was dead.

Vader had killed him. He must've been in love with Padmè, but she died in childbirth.

That's why he came after you.

He still wanted Padmè.

You hated him. He had murdered everyone you loved. You wondered what monster really lies beneath that mask.

The doors parted in front of you. The room full of senators and powerful people you didn't care about stood.

Your heart dropped at the sight of the monster at the end of the aisle. You suddenly began to dread walking towards him.

You turned around Rubilè gave you an encouraging nod.

You sighed. You knew you had no choice.

You slowly began to walk down the unnecessarily long aisle.

You found Senator Organa's face in the crowd. His face was painted with concern. You gave no expression back. You instead turned your head forward, your eyes meeting Vader's yellow ones.

You finally reached the end, and your handmaidens disbanded into different corners of the room.

You turned to face Vader, and He lifted your veil. Your expression did not change. You kept your face blank.

EPHEMERAL- A. SKYWALKER IMAGINESHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin