Chapter 45: When the White Flower Blossomed

Start from the beginning

The emphasis placed on every struck a chord in Yuta that things may not be as it seemed; they knew more than they were telling. Haku paused, finding the right words, "That's why I know there is someone that deserves to be saved, even if that someone isn't me."

Haku looked back at the damage the two had done to the street, windows shattered, pavement torn up, greenery abolished. To the wind, they spoke the words ringing in the back of Yuta's mind, confirming his suspicions, "You know he deserves to be saved. That's why you fought so hard against me. I meant it when I said you don't have to be the hero all the time, Yuta."

With a somber pause, Haku watched the tear slip down Yuta's cheek with immense grief. They whispered, "Do you remember the first conversation we ever had in the garden?"

Yuta perked up slightly, wiping his nose with his sleeve and a sniffle, "Of course. I'd never forget it."

They nodded in understanding; that was a shared feeling. "I had a lot of time to put things into perspective and I have made my peace with it all. Going back to that day, I want to correct myself."

"My biggest sacrifice will not be dying. It was living when I felt that I had no choice, but now... I don't need to find any more reasons to live when I have something I'm willing to die for. So I don't want you to think of this as a sacrifice for what could have been. This is a choice that I am making as a thank you to every reason that has kept me alive up until this point in my life."

Although Yuta would not be able to physically feel their touch, Haku placed a delicate hand to his shoulder. What lingered was a serene warmth as the reassurance flowed down Yuta's arm and spread throughout his body. Haku wasn't smiling, but they didn't need to do so to show just how much it mattered to them to say all these things. "You're a big reason why I have made it this far. So I need you to understand that."

Yuta's throat was tight, constantly fighting back the urge to bawl right there in the middle of the catastrophe. "I don't know if I ever will," he croaked.

"You will, because a part of me will continue to live on in your heart and in the hearts of all those I've touched in my short time here."

Yuta closed his eyes and pressed his lips together; his face felt blazing hot though the pain from fighting had long since faded. Haku's voice rang through his ears, "Please don't cry. It makes you ugly."

And just like magic, Haku seldom chose to speak in the past, but they always did know what to say. Yuta's laugh bubbled up from his chest and he was able to open his eyes once again and wiped them. "I guess I should've learned how to be a pretty crier like you," he joked back.

"It takes practice, but I pray you won't ever need to."

Though Haku's touch had no effect, they still tried to help Yuta to his feet. They looked over their shoulder down the street in both directions, "I have to look for something. A Cursed object before I find Sukuna. I also have a request that I need to make from you. Something only you can do, Yuta."


"Find Megumi and the Walking Hazard. Keep them close to you. Do not let them out of your sight. Do not let them get anywhere near me."

Yuta had no idea what Haku was talking about, but he still nodded. The time to part ways had come and he was preparing just what he should say in this situation. However, Haku was uncharacteristically chatty that evening, perhaps it was for the best, Yuta thought.

The space between them felt draining and vacant. Haku held out their palms face up; the ground beneath could be faintly seen through. Suggesting Yuta put his hands over theirs, he obliged and that familiar sense of serenity returned. Haku gazed upwards, unafraid, into Yuta's eyes, "I can't go any farther with you. Just go back the way you came and you'll be alright, but you have to promise me you won't look back."

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