Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

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The Next Day 

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"Lauren," my friend, Katie, began, "Do you like Will?"

"Not in the way you're thinking," I quickly answered, saving myself from spitting out my chocolate milk, then rummaging through my bag, "Do you want an apple?"

"Nah, I'll pass," she replied and leant her head against the bark of the great elm tree we were sitting against.

It was silent for a moment - only the sound of the wind blowing through the campus could be heard. 

"So, you've always been just friends?" she asked, turning her head towards me, putting air quotes around 'just friends'. There she goes again, constantly bringing up Will.

"Yes, why do you ask?" I wondered and she shook her head with a smile, obviously something was on her mind.

"Well," she started to say, "You know those romantic comedies we would always watch in the summer?"

I nodded understandingly.

"Most of them are about two best friends, right?"

"Yeah, so?" I asked.

"It's just like with you and Will. You're best friends; you've known each other since you were kids. You know what they say; it's easiest to fall in love with your best friend."

"He's like my brother, Katie. If I ever started to like him, well, that's not a good example. It would be too weird," I answered notably.

"Even if you say that, I'm still going to pester you," she admitted.

"With Will, it's nothing like that," I started to say, a smile creeping onto my face. "It's like we know each other's flaws, when the other is lying. Sometimes we get on each other's nerves but that's not news to us. It's nothing special to anyone else, but who can say that they have someone like that?"

She furrowed her eyebrows, thinking over what I had just said. "I know, but I still don't get why you don't like him. He's perfect."

"Absolutely not, he makes mistakes. But that, my friend, is confidential," I added with a devious smirk.

She pursed her lips. "Then, we should do him a favor and fix him up with someone."

"Like he'd do it, he told me he wants something that would last."

She placed a hand over her heart meaningfully. "That's so sweet!"

"Isn't it? Which is why my final answer is going to have to be a no," I replied flatly.

"Why not? Give me one good reason why he doesn't deserve to have somebody."

I thought about it for a moment, realizing I didn't have any reason whatsoever. Was I just being selfish?

"Okay, I don't have a good reason but still," I mumbled, disappointed in myself. 

"You want him to be happy, don't you?"

I grimaced. "Yes."

"You want him to get what he deserves, don't you?"


"Then, why not?" she asked, putting much unneeded emphasis on 'not'.

I gave in. "Fine, but I will have no part in this!"

"Oh yes you will," she warned me with a menacing glare, then dragging me by the arm towards the lunch room.

* * *

I glanced around the lunch room, nervously, until I noticed where Katie was dragging me to - the back corner.

We walked closer to a table full of both boys and girls alike, although I never talked to any of them. The boys were all chugging their cartons of milk, obviously making a contest out of it, and the girls were watching, disgusted. I spotted Will, mostly because he was the first to slam his carton down on the table, then smashing it with his clenched fist.

"Ladies!" one of the guy's announced and I narrowed my eyes, stepping a few steps backward now that Katie had let go of my arm. She glanced at me from the side, and then placed her hands on her hips.

"Can we borrow William for a moment?" Katie asked and the guys began to pat him on the back, the girls looked a bit disappointed, however.

I was the first to head out the door leading to the outdoors, Katie and Will trailing closely behind. I resumed eating my lunch as we reached the tree we were at earlier, and waited for them to join me.

"So, what's this all about?" he asked, gesturing to the secretive glances Katie and I were exchanging.

"Well," Katie started to say, "Although Lauren here wants no part in this, I convinced her to go along with this."

"Yeah?" he asked, fear detected in his tone.

"Get a girlfriend, Will," she said boldly and he looked taken aback for a moment.

"What are you two on about—" he began but I silenced him.

"Just tell him, Katie, he's not going to ask unless you do," I explained and she nodded.

"What's your type, Will?" she asked and he looked at the ground, thinking.

"Uh, smart, funny, cute, and a great personality," he answered openly.

We nodded and we exchanged looks, as if we were both thinking the same thing.

"All right, Will. We're going to hook you up with someone, like a blind date," Katie explained and he shrugged.

"I already told you—" he started to say but Katie cut him off once again.

"I'm sorry, Will, but I'm tired of seeing that lonely expression on your stupid face," she admitted and he sighed.

"I'm not getting out of this, am I?" he asked, already submitting to the truth.

"Yeah, pretty much. Now run along," Katie said and he glared at her, then turning to leave.

"Don't you think that was a little harsh?" I asked, ashamed I didn't object to this whole ordeal at all.

"Don't worry, Lauren. He's a guy, guys don't cry," she answered and I laughed.

"Are you sure you don't like him? It's not too late to admit it," she suddenly asked and I glared at her, which was enough to silence her, not for very long, though.

"But, Lauren," she began, "Did you hear what his type was? If I'm not mistaken, it sounded a lot like you."

* * *

Second chapter, woohoo. I originally had the chapters longer but that'd mean they'd be at least four pages and that's a bit long tbh. So, I shortened them to like two pages now. I hope that makes it less overwhelming.

I know, this chapter is also boring. But hey, it was part of the first chapter and the first chapters are always boring.

All right, if you liked it... please let me know. I'm not sure if I'm going to continue to write it unless someone gives me feedback.

Until next time...

Your favorite person in the world (note the sarcasm)

EDIT: I got bored so I made another cover for my story, haha. Just wanted to say that.

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