„Come on. I said I'm okay." She yelled back, knowing damn well that she wasn't. I-sak turned back to us as I felt a pair of hands pull me and then On-jo away from our bitten best friend. It was Cheong-san.

I couldn't fight back because I knew I had no other choice anyway.

„Y/N... On-jo." I-sak had managed to mutter out, before dropping to the ground, while On-jo tried to attempteded to escape Cheong-san's tight grip.

I didn't even try to get to her. Not because I didn't wanted to. I just... couldn't. I couldn't move or talk. I felt so empty.

It was getting harder and harder to breathe. I felt like I was about to faint but Dae-su came right in  time and dragged me back where he,  Wu-jin, Joon-yeong, Min-ho and Nam-ra stood.

Unexpectedly, a pair of hands wrapped around my shoulders. I was a bit surprised when I realized who they belonged to... Nam-ra.

Nam-ra and I never interacted in any way possible, since she's not the most opened person but today she really showed another side of her.

Nam-ra stroked my back, trying her best to comfort me, „It's going to be alright, Y/N."

Suddenly we heard bones crunching but I couldn't look up. I knew I couldn't take it if I saw I-sak turn, so I burried my face in Nam-ra's shoulder.

„Throw her out the window!" Na-yeon insisted.


Basically yanking Nam-ra away, I was on my way to prevent Cheong-san but Joon-yeong and Wu-jin held me back.

„Hurry! She's turning into a zombie!"

I would love to beat the shit out of Na-yeon, but Wu-jin and Joon-yeong's grip was to hard to escape.

Acknowledging, that it was too late, I gave up. My legs weakened as I plopped to the floor. Tears were now streaming down my cheeks.

The boys now also sat on the floor, silently comforting me with their company.

I-sak slowly stood up, facing the group.

The look on her face was full with rage, so much rage. I didn't even recognize her anymore. I didn't recognize my best friend. My I-sak. The sunshine. The happiest person alive was gone, forever.

„I-sak... I-sak, don't do this." On-jo begged through the sobs, even though we all knew that it wouldn't change anything about the circumstances were in.

Unexpectedly, I-sak growled one last time before charging at the boy and girl duo in front of her.

Cheong-san shoved On-jo to the back of the room, shielding her protectivly, as the now fully turned I-sak attacked her fellow classmate.

He grabbed a chair and smacked her with it, forcing her away from us with it while On-jo begged him to stop.

„Cheong-san!" On-jo yelled, but it was too late.

I-sak ran towards Cheong-san as he pushed her out the window, but she somehow managed to grab the window frame.

Finally escaping Wu-jin's and Joon-yeong's grip, I rushed over to I-sak. On-jo was already leaning out the window and holding I-sak's arm with all the strength she had.

As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you. (Lee Su-hyeok x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now