Chapter 1 (part 2): memories

Comincia dall'inizio

I was now left alone with Jack who was deep asleep, I slowly laid down next to him and looked at my phone at 6:40, I'm sure the bonfire ceremony thingy whatever it was would start at around 8 or 9 so I had enough time to take a nap.

-Time-skip, 9:30 PM- (GORE WARNING!!!)

I woke up in a panic to hear gruesome screaming and psychotic laughter. I grabbed my phone and dialed 911.

"Hello? This is 911. How can I help you?" I heard a woman speaking on the other line

My voice was shaky "Y-ye-ss uh- uhm I don't know what's happening but I-I think someone g-g-getting killed, I-I-I- I heard laughing a-and screaming. Please i-i-i don't know what happening please help us." I was stuttering all over the place

"ok, we understand you, can you tell us your location?"

"y-y-yes were- uh, At the ***** Campsite, at the west area, there's a big bonfire, you won't miss it, please hurry-, I d-d-don t-think this is a g-g-game" I tried not to cry.

"Cops and Ambulances have been sent to your location, please stay on the line"


Without even thinking I ran out of the tent towards the bonfire to see Jenny's clubmates gathered in front of the bonfire fire covering whoever was screaming in agony. My body was shaking not knowing what was happening. I pushed past everyone to see Jenny standing in front of Jack who was on the floor screaming, I could hear the woman asking what was happening, but I ignored her, Jenny was slowly and painfully scooping Jack's eyes out. I was mortified, Jack was screaming so loud.

"OH Y/N, I see you've made it~~" Jenny turns to me, holding Jack down, his eyes in her hand "Would you like to do the best step?" Jenny says as she shows me a bowl of what seems to be boiling tar "It's tar mixed with the blood~ of our victim~" Jenny says, swirling the bowl around

"No!, w-what. Why Would You Do That!!!" I screamed at her. I couldn't believe she would do such a thing. Tears started rolling down my eyes.

"Oh well ~. The best part for me~~" she giggles as she pours the tar into Jack's eyes.

Jack's screams, him trying to stop her, his eye sockets bleeding out. cried trying to pull Jenny off of him. Jenny was laughing like a maniac, her laughs making my stomach do flips. But as I struggled to pull Jenny off of Jack. Everything around me started fading. The ambulance arrived just in time... But... It sounded so... far... and.. my sight... was going.... darker....................................

-Time-Skip, 5 weeks later- beep.. beep.

I was woken up by the sound of beeping, my eyes opening slowly adjusting to the bright light coming from outside, I scanned the room. I was in a hospital, yet no one was around. The door was closed but I could hear doctors and nurses walk past it talking. I looked back up at the ceiling. A squared-like ceiling with a bright light, nothing new. I look at the window through which natural light shines through, I am clearly in a Hospital building, I look back up, the same ceiling. I looked around, my heart monitor now and then beeping. I hear the door knob click, I quickly looked at the door as it opens, A nurse walks in.

"Oh!, You awake, Hello" The nurse speaks with such a gentle voice, it was so soothing

"hi.." my voice was low, and indistinctness, It was emotionless

"May you tell me what's the last thing you remember?"

"uhm...I remember...going camping or something like that with a few friends...then I woke up and..." The memory and realization hit me, I swung up "Where's Jack!, Is he ok?!?!"

The nurse frowns at my sudden questions "How about you lay down... Jack.. is....." The nurse sighs "It was too late to save him, and if we did he would have had a high chance of dying in the hospital..I'm sorry" The nurse explains, sadness clearly in her voice

My heart sinks, my eyes tearing up "A-and Jenny?"

"Jenny...She was sent to a Psychiatric ward, If she doesn't get better then who knows what'll happen to her" The nurse's voice was gentle, as to try not to startle me


"This was a traumatic experience for you, with experiences like this we offer Psychological therapy in the hospital for anyone who needs that kind of help, If you ever need to talk to someone, I'll show you where it is" The nurse explains "You'll have to stay here for at least a weak to make sure you have a full recovery.

I nodded in response "And school?"

"The hospital already let your school know what happened, we tried to contact your parents but we got no answer" The nurse explained

"yeah.., my parents aren't the best"

The nurse stayed quiet for a while before breaking the silence "Well, uhm, What are you studying?, for college, I'm currently on break so I have all the time to talk" The nurse softly smiled

"That's allowed?" I asked

"Not sure, let's hope I don't get in trouble" We both giggled, I liked her

"Well, I'm studying Medical care, I wanna be a doctor in the future!" I explained

"Ooh, I like that"

They and the nurse talked a lot after that, I started attending Psychotherapy, and after a week I was discharged from the hospital. I left and started attending school again.

But... Something was off

"We lost ourselves..."Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora