Chapter 10| Sandra's party 🥳

Start from the beginning

Omar's uniform, his white shirt precisely was soiled and soaked in blood. My mind was completely wiped of any precaution to do to stop the bleeding. How could he hit a little kid like this!. It's brutal and wicked and insane and so inacceptable.

"Good morning OOO. Don't be angry I'm late o, it's Iyabo that began her foolishness this morning, emabinu I..." Iya Iyabo stopped dead on her track and yelled at the sight before her. Iyabo, closely behind her with a deep frown took a good look at us and the frown transformed into a smirk.

This stupid girl is a devil!. Of course she was glad to see Omar bleeding and the rest of us in anguish. I hated her more than I ever did since that moment. I was even childish enough to wish her dead but I didn't really mean was the heat of the moment.

Iya Iyabo placed both hands on her head wrapped with her usual green scarf, "What happened to him oo" she shouted in a song sort of way.

"I will take care of it. Just do your job with the house. We will be back soon" Lila told her. She and her daughter moved out of the way.

We helped him into Lila's car and she drove him to a nearby hospital. Omar was treated, he took off his stained white shirt and had on only the black blazer. One of my knees had a burst and was also treated. After the treatment and all, we got back into Lila's car. Gosh I felt ashamed, I've been a little horrible to her.

It seems we were all reluctant to go home, as we sat in the car Lila didn't make a move to turn on the ignition. In my heart I wished I had my own house where Omar and I could just crash in and stay peacefully. A little comfortable how in a quiet place.

The idea I have been ponding on earlier after school resumption now seems decisively crucial. I've been reckoning to write a letter to my late mom's lawyer or see him personally if I could to explain to him that Omar and I needed more money so the money I get every month should be increased. Our school fees have increased and our allowance need an increase.

"Omar" he was seating beside the window in the back seat to my left, Levi was beside me to my right, "What happened between the two of you?" I asked Omar.

He turned his head further in the direction of the window, staring out with his hand on his jaw, I have never seem him as angry as this in my life.

It's better to leave him alone till he was calm and ready to talk, I resolved. But not Lila.

"Omar, what about between you and your father?" She asked.

"He's not my father!" He literally punched the window in front of him in anger.

So what!. You're living under his roof and living off his money, just stop denying it already, I wanted to yell but it wasn't a good time to argue or lecture so I kept my mouth sealed.

"Then, just tell us what happened" Lila probed.

"I didn't do anything wrong. He is just a big bad cruel bully and a violent thug."

I don't like my dad but still hearing Omar call him that still made my heart sink in disappointment and hurt, I was disappointed I had a father like that, and hurt because Omar called him that so boldly and relentlessly.

What Omar said was not true!. But also true?!. Omar did say something to unhinge him, even after our plan. I don't know how it began or my father had said but I certainly heard Omar say... "...he was a thousand times better a father than you ever where and will ever be."

I'm not aware of whatever brought him to utter that statement. Mr Bolade must have insulted his dead parents, Omar's sensitive point. The true part was Mr Bolade being as Omar said "a big bad cruel bully and a violent thug."

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