Chapter Two: Avoid at all Cost!!

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After all of that happened I decided to avoid EVERY demon I see in this place. I'm doing this because I don't know who the demon lord is. It's good to be cautious. I looked around the place before I went. I see a demon, I'll go the other direction. I see another demon, go the opposite way. I did every time I saw a demon and eventually....I got lost. Great.
'Way to go Mei, now you have to talk to a demon,' I thought. I wanted to avoid every demon I see and now, I have to talk to one. I looked around the place to see if anyone (or any DEMON) was there. Nobody was there. I started to walk around the place until I saw a big door. It was five times bigger than that Takashi guy's door. It was a crimson red and had a bright gold to it. Me being me decided to open it. I mean who wouldn't? I was lost so I thought 'Hey, this might be the way out of this damn place,'. I opened to door which was also light. You'd think that it'd be heavy since it probably is the biggest door here. I opened it what shocked me was that there was a throne with a tiny girl in it.
"I've been waiting for you Sora~~" she said in a humorous voice. It was as if she was mocking me.  She had long light purple hair that had a dark one just at the tip. Her beautiful sparkling gold eyes looked at me with pride in them. Her skin was a white pale. Her ears were pointy use like mine but not as pointy. She seemed to be a half-elf half-demon. I just observed her so I didn't really cared what she said.
"Soooora~? Can you hearrrr me?" She asked but instead in a cheerful voice.
"Yes I can hear you...?" I paused to give her signal that asked for her name.
"First let me clear my throat..ahem! I AM THE ALL POWERFUL DEMON LORD!" she yelled "I HAVE THE POWER THE ALL DEMONS FLOW INSIDE OF ME.......but......"
"But...?" I was curious now. What was she hiding that only I can know?
"But.....I'm weak," she shakes her shamefully "I can't do anything without my pawns. It's really saaaaaad" she said pretending to be sad.
"You don't sound said,"
"BECAUSE I'M NOT HAHAHAHAHA!" she laughed it off "My name is Ren Masaki, the demon lord,"
"Sora Honda I know!" She cut me off "LET'S GOO PLAY!!" she grabbed my wrist tried to move me but....I just wouldn't budge.
"L-let's goo p..pla....y" she said again but more on the exhausted side. I still wouldn't budge. This was suprising since a weak person could make some budge a little but I was budging at ALL.
"You really are weak huh?" I asked even though I knew wouldn't get an answer "Alright, let's go play I guess,"
She gasped for air before saying "REALLY? THAN LET'S GOOO!!" she ran near the door hopping up and down while waiting for me to open it.


We went outside the strange place. I turned around to see what it was and it was a castle. CASTLE!!? It wasn't those beautiful castle you see in the princesses movie no no no. IT WAS A HUGE, STINKY, HIDEOUS, WONKY LOOKING CASTLE. It was always leaning to the right said. I had a fear that it'd fall some day just by looking at it. It was a dark DARK DARK black with some green here and there but you'd just notice the black the most. I almost threw up because of the horrible smell and I almost had a break down. I'm glad my beautifull face looked calm on the outside because I was screaming on the insaide.
"I see that your in love with castle," she said.
'Of couse not! Who would be in love with this?? WHO PICKED IT OUT???' I asked in my mind while I just stared at her on the outside.
"You did picked out after all," she was all happy about it "You picked out for my father long long ago and father left it for me. It was so sweet of you to do that for my father. It must bring back some memories huh?" I just nodded to her question. I was going insane in my mind. 'Why did Sora picked it out? Did she wanted to look evil? WELL IT"S WORKING!!'
"Well enough of that, let's go!"
"Right," That was all i could say. I was just too shocked to say anything right now. We kept walking (I did, Ren kept running while calling me a slow poke) until we got to a forest that said 'Forbidden Forest'. We kept walking/running cause we ignore the sign (mostly Ren did). We got to two signs. The one on the right said 'Field of Deadly Vines" while other one on the left said 'Forbidden Village of the Dead'. No wonder this forest is forbidden. EVERYTHING HERE IS DEADLY!!
"We are going to the Field of Deadly Vines right?" I asked. I didn't want to deal with the dead.
"Nope! We are going to the Village of the Dead! Let's go!" she said with confidence.
'Why did I even asked' was all I could think of when went left. It took us only 30 minutes to get there. The guards that were guarding the village were skeletons. They didn't look all that scary since they were just standing there. They didn't seem to notice us.
"My best friend lives here. You'll like her," she said with confidence again. Right after she said that a huge spell of fire came towards us. My mind told me to run while my hand used to wind to change it's direction towards the way it came.
'Cool. I am cool' I thought.
"Your so cool!" Ren praised me. You better keep that praises coming!!
"Dammit!" An unfamiliar voice screamed "I almost had her!!!". It was a females voice
"Come on out whoever you are!" I yelled back. She came out of the shadows and She/ was pretty....ugly. She was obviously dead for a long time since half of her face was rotting.
"Have you been buried?" I asked. My stupid mouth.
"Hey that's very rude! Do you not know manners stupid girl?" a butler appeared behind him. He was much prettier. He had the same features as the Takashi guy. He looked like he was in his late twenties and by the looks of it, he sucks at his job. His shoes were not shiny, they were dirty. Way more dirty than a toddlers clothes stain. He had long hair that looked like they had a dance party. His tie was around his neck. I felt like they were trying to choke him. His suit was fine. But everything else....that would need some working to do.
"I do know some manners, thank you for reminding me but, why do you look like that?" I asked. My stupid mouth again.
"Like what?" the butler asked confused "Do I not look elegant?"
"No, you don't. You look like you went to a dance party and forgot you were a butler," I answered him.
"Ouch," the kid next to him said "She is telling the truth though,"
"Young master!" the butler looked offended. I would be if I were him.
The kid looked at me. Ugh! Her face needs to go. "My name's Akari Ito. Please to meet ya,"
"I'm Me-I mean Sora Honda. Pleasure is mine," I said back at him with a smile that said 'Stop looking at me!'
"Now that we know each other, GET OUT OF MY WAY SO I CAN BEAT REN UP!! I'LL BE THE DEMON LORD!!"
"Sora, this is the friend I'm talking about! Isn't she nice?"
'NO SHE ISN'T!!' I screamed "You'll have to go through me," I stupid mouth...again.
"Alright...Ready to get your ass whooped?" she laughed.
"Watch your language," I said "Your only a KID," After saying that, she seemed to have gotten pissed. I only smiled mocking her. I was ready for the battle (not really....).

End of Chapter two! WOOHOOO!
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A/n: I will try my best to update new chapters as fast as I can...I hope your enjoying it so far. New Chapter comes out tomorrow!! Thank you for reading!!

My friend is making a book called "The Lost Girl". She just started writing like me so please go check it out (yeagerzharlie)

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