Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 - The House of the Lion

Eleven year-old Sirius Black was very excited to finally go to Hogwarts.

After that eye-opening day in Diagon Alley, Sirius had started to question his family's ideals.

Muggleborns (Sirius had learnt 'mudbloods' were actually a very offensive word from Andromeda) were people with magic just like him.

He had begun voicing out his opinions on muggleborns when he was nine, but he quickly learnt his family would not tolerate any of that.

So, he had kept his thoughts and opinions to himself.

At least in Hogwarts, his family won't be breathing down his neck all the time.

As exciting as that was, there was also the depressing thought that he would be sorted into Slytherin.

He knew a lot of boys and girls in his family's social circle were also from pureblood families and would likely end up there too.

He hated to think that his time in Hogwarts would be almost similar to the years in his home surrounded by more Slytherins.

But, destiny seemed to have other plans for him.

He found a compartment with a single occupant and pushed it open.

The boy had been wiping his round glasses with the hem of his shirt.

Sirius had a sudden feeling that he knew this boy with the black messy hair and brown eyes.

But, when he put on his glasses and said, "First year too, are you?", Sirius was sure he had never seen the boy before.

Besides, his eyes were hazel on second glance.

After learning that he was a Potter, Sirius was almost certain he would leave when he said his own name.

But, he was surprised when James simply shrugged and they talked of Quidditch and simple things.

He quickly decided he liked James with his carefree attitude and obsession with Quidditch.

There were two other children in the compartment, but he hadn't cared about them.

There was something very familiar with James and he relished the chance to talk to a boy his age who wasn't a pureblood fanatic.

When they heard the other boy next to them telling the red-haired girl that she had better be in Slytherin, James had been sufficiently distracted by that comment.

"Slytherin? Who wants to be in Slytherin? I think I'd leave, wouldn't you?" said James looking at him.

Sirius' mood dipped. "My whole family have been in Slytherin."

"Blimey," said James, "And I thought you seemed alright!"

There it was his casual way of saying he didn't mind that Sirius was a Black.

Sirius grinned happily. "Maybe I'll break the tradition. Where are you heading, if you've got the choice?"

James lifted an invisible sword. "Gryffindor where dwell the brave at heart!' Like my dad."

And though the other boy had scoffed, Sirius had already decided that if it came to it, he would plead to the Sorting Hat to put him in the House of the Lions.

No matter what his father said about Blacks being very noble, the noblest of them all was the Lion.

An hour later, his wish came true.

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