Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 - Mudbloods

When Sirius was eight, he was more aware of his family and the larger Wizarding World.

His father had taken him to Diagon Alley for the first time and it had been a most magnificent place, with all the shops and their wares.

What had been even more fascinating was the amount of witches and wizards he had seen.

He had never been taken out of his home much, let alone to a wholly Wizarding ocality.

His father had given him and his brother ten
galleons each and told him to get whatever he wished for.

He and Regulus were wandering around before finally going to Magical Menagerie.

Regulus, a mere six years old, looked at him with imploring eyes, "Please Sirius, could we get a puffskein?"

Sirius didn't want a puffskein.

They were too girly in his opinion.

He'd rather buy an owl or even a cat.

But, Regulus would probably bawl his eyes out and throw a tantrum, so Sirius sighed as he indulged his baby brother's request.

"If you want one, Reg," shrugged Sirius as he led him to the wall of shelves holding brightly-coloured puffskeins inside cages.

A girl of about eleven years was watching them coo and Sirius asked his brother to pick one.

The girl's mother joined her as she said.

"Look at this, Mel! Oh, how adorable! This
place is so magical, I'd need more than two pairs of eyes to look around!"

The girl smiled as she took a cage of yellow puffskeins when Reg pointed at it.

"I want that one!"

The girl had heard him and said disbelievingly.

"I took it first! It's mine!"

"No, I want it!"

Shouted Reg, lunging for the cage.

The girl screamed as she tried to jump away from Reg.

"Reggie! Stop!" yelled Sirius, trying to hold back his brother.

Reg stopped trying to lunge for the cage, as he turned to look at Sirius pleadingly.

"Please Sirius! I want it! I want the yellow one!"

"We can choose something else, Reggie. She did get to it first," said Sirius, reasonably.

Regulus whimpered, his bottom lip quivering, but when Sirius looked back firmly, Reg's expression cleared.

He looked at the girl and sneered, "You can keep that, mudblood!"

Before the girl could comprehend what he had said, Regulus ran away from the store, still upset.

Sirius looked at the girl, who seemed confused, and he felt the stirrings of shame. "I'm so sorry for my brother."

The mother looked politely puzzled, "That's alright, dear. Even if I don't understand what he meant, I know he's a small boy."

She took her daughter's puffskein to the counter, looking thoroughly confused by the  gold in her hands.

"Can I help?" asked Sirius, still feeling ashamed on his brother's behalf, and wanting to make it up to the woman somehow.

"Oh, thank you darling! You're such a sweet boy," the woman exclaimed happily as Sirius picked out four gold galleons and gave it to the shopkeeper.

When Sirius found his brother along with his father, he was slightly surprised when his father looked at him crossly.

"Why didn't you get Regulus his puffskein?"

"A girl had already taken what he wanted," said Sirius, matter-of-factly.

"So?" his father asked. "She was a mudblood, Reg tells me. We are Blacks, the noblest purebloods and we get what we want."

"That's not fair to that girl," argued Sirius.

"They don't belong here anyway!" said his father haughtily and the matter was dropped.

But, Sirius couldn't help but wonder why his father thought so.

The woman had been nothing short of polite and kind; Sirius could go as far as to say, much kinder than his own mother was at times.

Why did his family hate the mudbloods so much?

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