I shut my eyes tightly to try and get rid of my headache. It has already been a day and a half, since my life has changed so suddenly.

     My former guardian and I moved to different countries a few of times — four, specifically. She always said it was for business so I had no choice but to adapt to the situations and try being happy that she at least had a job. I know for a matter of fact now that I am Spanish, as I was born in Mérida, located towards the Southwest of Spain. Then we moved to Germany for two years and a couple of years after to Britain, for two and a half years; afterwards we lived in France for four, but then went to live in Ireland for another two. My last home. Although I have lived in those countries for some years, the only languages I am fully able to speak fluently are French and English. All my German is long forgotten as I lived there when I was four to six, and my Spanish is the worst. I lived in Spain during the first years of my life - but I really don't remember how to speak their language. The only words I know how to say in Spanish are: "Hola, ¿cómo estás?" and "Te amo". Which technically means 'Hello, how are you?' and 'I love you'. I believe most people know that, it's really simple.

     Before I even get time to recompose again, the stewardess comes by and leaves with gentleness the roll on the tiny desk in front of me. I shoot her a small smile and immediately begin to devour it and although I try to be slow and eat it with small bites, my stomach can not wait any longer for the food I have before my eyes.

     Once I finish it, satisfied, I avert my gaze again to the picturesque view the airplane window gifts me with. So I decide to start reading the new book I got just this morning so I would not have to be bored in the airplane. As soon as I read the first few pages, the book absolutely acquires my whole attention and I barely notice what's going on around me. When I finally gain my senses again and look around me, an announcement from the pilot startles me as she states we will be landing in Toronto in less than ten minutes.

     And at that exact moment, is when the nerves start to kick in.

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     As soon as I step a foot outside the plane, I experience the warm and cozy feeling from the aircraft leaving, and instead welcoming a cool and bitter rush of air that gives me goosebumps. Nevertheless I'm well dressed for Toronto's freezing climate, wearing a pair of thick but pleasant gloves, as the tips of my fingers started to feel numb against the harsh weather conditions. I know it's just autumn but we seem to be caught in a storm, as there's a light rain coming from the sky.

     Although I have been living in Ireland for over two years, the weather still is not as bad as here. Minus four or three degrees celsius was the coldest I experienced during my stay in Irish lands. I will kinda miss my former home. I really liked how green the country is.

     Hannah — the Social Worker who will not leave my side until I'm in my new house — and me pass through the security and once we are finished, we head towards the main entrance of Toronto's Airport, where supposedly, these people's own personal driver will meet us and take us to my new house; or maybe it could be a home.

     Once we make it outside, a cool breeze caresses my face. A man walks up to us and exchanges a few words with Hannah, although I do not listen, I guess he is the man who will drive us to our destination tonight.

     He picks up Hannah's suitcase and we enter the car in silence. I just have a bag since I literally lost everything eighteen hours ago. I at least have my phone still with me, with a cracked screen. I believe it's the only thing I could save from that incident besides my teddy bear. They are the most valuable things for me now considering all the photos and videos I have in my phone and that my teddy bear was my first gift ever given by my dead guardian and best friend. I would not be able to survive without those memories that we have fortunately guarded safely on my phone. Hers just disappeared into thin air.

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