XIV: The Spy pt1

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Tristan Harrington has rarely ever been to a hospital. He doesn't like them, and he doesn't know why. Maybe the color, maybe the smell. What ever it is, he doesn't like it. But he hates Hawkin's Lab more.

Pulling into the parking lot makes Tristan regret a lot of things. He knows now that the lab has changed, but it still doesn't feel right. To many bad memories against it. But Tristan didn't have much time to think about it when he and Joyce rushed out of the car. Will is still screaming in pain as a few doctors rush him into the building.

Tristan's ears are ringing. He could feel his heart beating fast in his throat. He is scared, so scared. He jogs next to everyone as the get him to where ever they needed him. Doctors around him are yelling information to eachother. Then ask questions. Will yelled back. Then the doctors sedated him.

After they got Will hooked up to some monitors did Tristan relax a little. Very little. Seeing Will in pain made Tristan hurt in the chest. Like someone was constricting his lungs. Still, seeing him now sweating and hooked up to the only monitor that can tell Tristan if he's dead isn't any better. Joyce left to talk with the doctors, Hopper is being scrubbed down and who knows what. Which just leaves Bob and Tristan in the room with Will. They didn't speak to eachother, which made it quite awkward, but Tristan didn't care about that. He just wants Will to be okay. But so much has happened in so little time. Tristan couldn't help but shut his eyes.

Maybe he'll dream that was all a dream.


"Mom?" Will's faint voice brings Tristan from his sleep. He sits up as Bob yells for a doctor. Joyce goes over to her son.

"Sweetie, how you felling? You okay?" Joyce asks him. Bob comes back in.

"Okay, they're on their way." He tells Joyce. He looks to Will with a smile.

"Hey." Will looks at Bob confused.

"Who is that?" Tristan sits up, Will's question making him worry.

"What?" Joyce whispers.

"It's me, big guy. It's Bob." Bob reaches to grab Wills hand but Will pulls it away. He forgot Bob.

"Are you a. . . doctor?" Will questions Bob.

"No. No, it's just me. Just. . . Just Bob." Bob says sadly.


Dr. Owen's checks Will's pupil dilation with a small pen looking flashlight. Hopper got back with Owens, making Tristan wonder what he showed Hopper.

"Do you know your name?" Owen's asks him, turning off the flashlight and placing it inside his coat.


"Your full name?"

"William Byers."

"Do you know. . . Do you know who I am?" Dr. Owen's questions Will. Tristan stands at the foot of Will's bed, next to some other doctor that followed Owen's. Tristan is leaning against the wall, arm's slightly crossed in front of him. His hand plays with the leather glove.

"A doctor."

"Have we met before?" Owne's asks him.

"I don't remember."

"Hmm. You don't remember me? Okay. What about, uh. . . How about this guy here?" Owen's points to Tristan. Tristan quickly leans off the door, eyes filled with hope and fear as Will looks to him. Tristan gives will a small smile.

"Know who that is?" Owen's asks again. Will doesn't answer. His eyes focused on Tristan's face.

"It's all right. Take your time." Owen's tells him. A second later Will speaks.

"That's my friend. Tristan." Will says. Tristan gives him another smile. Hopper speaks next.

"What about me, kid? You remember me?" Will looks to him and shakes his head. Hoppers smile falters, slightly.

"They tell me that you helped save me last night. You remember that?" Hopper asks him next. Yet again, Will shakes his head.

"Do you remember anything about last night? About what happened?" Owen's asks him.

"I remember they hurt me."

"You mean the doctors?"

"No. The soldiers." Will explains.

"The soldiers hurt you?"

"They shouldn't have done that. It upset him." Will says, his voice was almost dark. Tristan looks to Joyce who gives Tristan a concerned expression.

"You say, 'Upset him'. Is this him?" Owen's shows Will a photo. Tristan guessed which photo it was. The Mind Flayer. Will looks back at Owen's and nods slowly. Owen's takes back the photo and looks at, mostly, Joyce, Bob and Hopper.

"Okay. Okay, I wanna try something." It's gonna seem a little odd at first, but I think it's really gonna help us understand what's going on. Is that okay?" Owen's asks Will. He nods.


A few minutes later a doctor rolls in a cart. Inside is what looks to be a large lech.

"Now, Will, I want you to just let us know if you feel anything. Okay?" Owen's nods to the other doctor. He slowly brings the hot blue fire down on the thing in the box.

"Do you fell anything?" Owen's asks him.

"Little sting." Will tells him, a small amount of pain in his voice.

"It stings? Where?" The thing sceetches. Will grabs his chest.

"My chest." He grunts out. The monitor begins to beep faster. Yet again, Owen's nods to the doctor. He brings the flame closer to the thing. Tristan stands, who was previously on the counter.

"How about now?"

"It. . . it burns." The creature screeches again, Will yells out in pain.

"Ah. It burns."


"Everywhere!" Will yells out.

"That's enough. That's enough!" Joyce yell to him. Tristan's hands grew black as he walks to the doctor, the minute his hand touches the flame thrower it disintegrates into black dust.

"She said it was enough." The doctor looks at Tristan wide eyed, so did everyone else in the room. Tristan, all those months ago, forgot to explain his powers to everyone who didn't see them. Which included Hopper, Joyce, Will, Steve and now Max. Guess he only has Max and Steve to tell now.


"What the hell is taking so long?" Joyce questions out loud. She and Bob are sitting next to eachother as Tristan sits at Will's other side.

"Hey. . . doctors take forever, always. Just try and relax. Just be patient." Bob tells her. Joyce sits there for about another thirty seconds before getting up. Bob follows her. Tristan stays with Will,not really wanting to get involved with the argument out there. Will's monitor beeps fatser, and faster.

"Will. Will? Will?" Tristan lightly touches Will's arm to shake him out of his trance. Will jumps, sitting upwards as he looks at Tristan.

"What's wrong? Does it hurt again?" Tristan asks, wanting to know what is making will act strange.

"I saw something." Will tells him.

"In your now memories?" Tristan questions him. Will nods slowly and leans in.

"The shadow monster. I think I know how to stop him." Will says to Tristan.
1141 words.

Hope you guys are enjoying.

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