𝙲𝙷. 𝟹 𝙶𝚎𝚝𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚢

Magsimula sa umpisa

''We're leaving D.C?'' You finally gathered all the courage to ask.

''We're going to New York.'' Your mother responded at once, sighing.

New York. That's not a familiar place to you, at least you had never been there before, except for your father, but he didn't mention why he stayed in New York. Plus, your mother barely left D.C for holidays because of Mr. Turk's alcoholic state most of the time, so why was your mother so confident about going there?

''May I ask why?''

She remained silent, and you got the signal. Your mother didn't speak to you for the rest of the journey. Perhaps you were going to visit your relatives? Or you were going to a shelter for a mutant? Either way, you had a slight hunch that your mother would leave you after arriving at the destination.

''You can sleep a bit...'' she mumbled, tightening her grip on the wheel, inhaling a deep breath before exhaling, ''I'll wake you up when we arrive there.''

''Alright...but make sure you take breaks, okay?'' You responded, glancing at her pale face, heavy bags under the vacant eyes. You assumed your mother hadn't slept enough these days, and now she had been forced to take you to a safer location—to get away from your stepfather.

You slumped back in your seat with your eyes closed, thinking. That your stepfather didn't take you as a mutant in well as expected, but Byron...did he take in this well? From the actions and words he's trying to stop Mr. Turk from getting you, it seemed like he took this quite well, though he must be terrified at the news too.

''Mom, can I at least ask why Mr. Turk knows?'' Your eyes were still shut, biting the inner cheeks uneasily.

''His colleague said he witnessed a girl working in the convenience store by the filing station performing mutant powers around five. Oh, and Byron-um-he accidentally slipped out that you worked there. And well, Jacob (your stepfather's name) connected the things. He's confident that you are that mutant and insists on reporting you.

''Why do you risk yourself on performing powers though? I know you're always careful with showing them but...why this time? In front of the public?'' she pressed on the topic.

''Three bad guys were trying to rob the store, and one of them tried to raise his gun and shoot the poor lady! I knew my identity would expose but...I couldn't just sit there and watch people get hurt, mom. To be honest...this wasn't my first time doing this but I didn't have time to erase their memories before that colleague of Mr. Turk's tackled me.''

''Wait, how did get yourself out of that situation?'' she knitted her brows in confusion, sounding concerned about what you'd encountered yesterday.

''Peter saved me. He avoided Mr. Turk from beating me once too...''

''Peter? Who's that? Your boyfriend?'' Now your mother sounded a bit excited more than worried; she's a total helpless romantic woman when it came to love.

''Mom, he's just a friend who happens to be a mutant as well. He has enhanced speed, that's why he could take me home before the man brought me to cops.''

Then it hit you. Peter...You didn't even have time to say goodbye, and God knew when you would return to D.C. Hopefully, not for long...

Holding that thought, you slowly drifted to sleep.


Sunlight tickled your eyes, while you gradually woke up from your peaceful slumber. By the time you woke up, it was already morning, and your mother had just driven past a large, rusty gate. A sign board placed by the wall was hard to read due to the heavy dust and the overgrown lawn. Still, you were able to make out some words. School...Gifted...Westchester...New York...that's all you could read.

Driving past the gate were areas and areas of lawns: waterfront which didn't pump into the air as it would be; gardens seemed to lack tidying, and a big mansion stood in the middle, old, still, very fine.

In short, this place was lifeless.

Your mother pulled in at the front door of the mansion, and both of you got off the car. Taking your belongings with you, your mother used the old-fashioned-looking handle to knock on the door. You've got to admit, seeing a place like this was a treat since this was your first time to see a house as big as an ancient castle. Whoever owned this house must be really really wealthy.

A minute later, a man with glasses opened the door. Despite only cracking the door open a little, you could fully see his appearance.

''Can I help you?'' asked the man.

He's a brunette, wearing a pair of black spectacles; a short trimmed mustache sat above the top of his lips and hugged a small part of his jawline neat perfectly. His young look made you think he's only at his thirty or so, probably not forty yet.

''Yes,'' your mother replied, sounding relieved, ''I need to see Dr. Xavier. It's urgent.''

''There's no professor here, madam. I look after the house now.'' He spoke fast, sounding a bit flustered might you add. He paused when he shifted his gaze at you before resuming, ''If you wish to send your daughter here, I'm afraid the school has been shut for years.''

''No, I drove all the way here! Please, I know he lives here; I know Charles Francis Xavier lives here, and I need his help! Please...'' your mother begged desperately.

You watched the man eye's widened, a bit taken aback by your mother's outburst.

''But madam, I've told you the school's closed. We can't accept your daughter...''

As your mother argued back with the man, a loud glass banging sound came from the man's background. A person or an animal was there.

The man with glasses cursed under his breath, wanting to shut the portal immediately, but your mother was fast, holding it to stop the man from going. However, that action caused your mom to slam her fingers on the door, making her yelp out loud.

''Jesus, I'm so sorry! Are you alright madam?'' The man cracked the door wide, examining your mother's injured fingers. ''How foolish of me, of course, you're not alright. I'll go get the first aid, just wait here and-''

''It's alright, sir. Mom, let me help you.'' You interrupted him, hands positioned near your mother's wound. A glowing green light gradually formed from your palms, healing your mother's pain. ''There, feeling better?''

The man blinked several times at you, mouth slightly opened agape. ''So...healing is your power? You can be a pretty fair healer.''

''Only small wounds and injuries...'' You answered, nodding sheepishly at his compliments.

''Mister, I need to see Professor Xavier; it's urgent. It's...you see, I need him to offer my daughter a place to live; my current husband found out she's a mutant and intended to report her. I can't watch my girl get caught; you must understand!'' Your mother begged again, now tugging on the man's sleeve.

You knew this would happen, and your mother had no choice but to send you away, to live here with someone called 'Charles Xavier.' Despite that you didn't know the man, his name sounded familiar. Your parents might have mentioned the name a few times while chatting. And now you were going to send to this man, and you didn't even know whether the man would take you in.

The request was the denial by the spectacle guy in front of you.

''Hank? Who's there by the door?'' A masculine voice called out; he had a British accent, like your father.

The man with spectacles gulped, and he excused you for a while and left to inform the man.

"Thank goodness he's still here," muttered your mother, comforting herself by touching her chest.

"Who?" you faced her, brows knitted in confusion.

"Your father's old pal, my college friend," she replied.

𝙼𝚞𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚝: 𝙲𝚘𝚍𝚎 𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚜Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon