|~ Chapter XVII - The Final Battle ~| Part 2

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Meggy started having a nightmare during the night they were resting in Fallen United States of America, Texas.

Meggy opened her eyes and saw a building with lights and it looked like a research facility, then the lights started flickering from white to red lightning, then she was frightened by seeing all the dead civilians and soldiers lying on the dead ground as the ground shook and the building collapsed on her then she was surrounded by fire and destruction. She was traumatized and then she collapsed to the floor as she woke up again five minutes later, and she was confused then. "You had a chance to save him. Why didn't you?" Said Aiden while his back was turned to Meggy. She was about to speak then we said more words. "You could've saved your best friend Aiden. But you didn't. You left him to rot and left in the darkness. Just like all his other brothers." Said Aiden, "Aiden- Listen. I-" Meggy said before she was cut off, "NO! I AM TIRED OF EXCUSES FROM YOU! Dad was right. You were a mistake. Right from the start. When I was creating universes with my brother Jake. You were a mistake amongst your other two sisters. I'll deal with you when I see you in person." Said Aiden as he faded then completely disappeared, Meggy was sad now. She put her hands on her face and started crying, "What have I done..." Said Meggy. Then Aiden appeared this time he had red glowing eyes. She got up and looked at him as he was right in her face. As he started choking her raising her with him arm of command. Raising her in the air where she couldn't feel the ground with her shoes anymore. "YOU ARE A MISTAKE. A MISTAKE I SHOULD HAVE TAKEN CARE OF A LONG TIME AGO..." Said Aiden in a evil tone, Meggy struggling to breath as she finally gave up and saw her fate then she woke up from the nightmare. Breathing hard with fear on her face. The others were wondering if she was okay, she said "Yeah I am okay guys. Don't need to worry about me.". The others nodded and then got in the camoflauged supply truck with a few other infantry U.S. Army soldiers. Who managed to survive all the way out here from the invasion. "Meggy. I know it's hard seeing how Aiden your best friend betrayed and took your loved one away from you." Said one of the soldiers on the truck. "I know... I just hope Mario is okay." Meggy replied, they were being transported to a nearby dock in the coastal plains of Texas to flee the invasion from Fallen United States, to France. Since apparently there was a resistance over there fighting off the Base Area 51 soldiers and managed to take back their country holding them back but not for long. So we needed to hurry over there, and grab any resistance fighter there is. To free all the countries then we take back our freedom. The truck stopped and they all got out of the truck, Meggy loaded up a few things on the speed boat then they all got on as they were speeding to England, then from their into the English Channel to France they went...

They arrived in England with heavy gunfire to the boat, as Melony got her sword out and start flying everywhere slicing the soldiers attacking into pieces and watch towers into pieces as well. They ran into the forests of England then running into the streets of neighborhoods of once was England now turned into Fallen England or known as Base Area 51's imagination land. Well anyway. We managed to get to the other side of England toward the dock of the English Channel but we ran into some soldiers loading up their warships being set sailing to France, so we snuck onto the warships in the crates. Managed to get into the storage rooms of the Vessel itself as they felt moving around they heard different languages as if there were prisoners on this vessel as well... Then Meggy got so curious that she opened the crate quietly then she saw something un expectedly, there were cells in the storage room with British resistance fighters, "What the hell are you guys doing in this vessel?? I thought our fighters were the only ones sneaking in here!" As Meggy said in confusion, "We are here as prisoners being set off to Antarctica to their 'Central Command Center' they said to us". The British prisoner fighters said, "Wait... Antarctica??! We are on the wrong one then..." Meggy realized as she informed her other friends and the crew...


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