|~ Chapter XII - The start of the Dictator ~|

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2022, December 24th, Christmas Eve.

It was late December when Meggy and her crew were on their way home from the Naval Destroyer Ship used by Base Area 51. When they all got on the dock, they all got inside the mushroom kingdom where they met up with the others. The crew was all re-united, but it bothered Meggy that Aiden was still out there somewhere on the Earth.

2 hours later, Meggy and her friends were decorating for the 25th of December, Christmas day. But it still bothered her that Aiden was still missing, so she went up on the balcony, to look at the city lights over at the United States of America since the Mushroom kingdom surprisingly fused close with the U.S. Country. She shredded a tear on her face like she knew what he was up to, but she did not know what he was up to. Meanwhile.

France, Paris.
December 25th, Christmas Day.
Prison Camp.

Military Commanders and Military Guards at the camp, screaming at the prisoners, and a familiar face showed. It was Aiden, he was at the Prison Camp as a prisoner, he was sentenced to prison there for 400 years, for being framed for being a War criminal after what happened in 2012 during the Invasion of his brother, Lord Aiden. But he was coming up with an escape plan to escape this filthy prison camp, a prisoner turned to Aiden, "How long you been here mate?". He didn't respond, he only said, "Long enough.". Those were his last words before walking away since the lunch bell has rung, the noises of hammers picking at rocks stopped, and chains from legs and hands clanged. All the way to the prison cafeteria, where sounds of prisoners would be talking and the prison guards would as well. But Aiden has bigger plans on his mind, for the world that is. Then the prisoner warden walked up with his two bodyguards, while the warden was sitting down at the table with Aiden while he was eating his "Fake food". The warden then said, "Enjoying your stay, War Criminal?", he didn't reply, but he chuckled then said, "Just wait for your turn, James." the warden was surprised he somehow knew his name because he never told him his name. "How did you know my name?", "Don't play dumb with me, James. I know everyone here in this... Filthy world." Aiden said, then he got up from the table to pick up his pickaxe and continue mining the rocks. The warden then went back to his office on the upper floors of the Prison Camp.

It was now after curfew time. The prisoners were all sent to bed and unlocked all of their chains when locked in the cells. But Aiden had a bomb, under his bed in the cell ready to blow. He then turned to his cellmate with another familiar face showing, it was 1st General in command Jack. When the lights went out in the cell sector, Aiden nodded to the General and said, "It's time." The General nodded and put the bomb to the wall in place. Aiden then grabbed his Radio and said, "Alpha-1, we are ready to breach through the wall.", "Copy that." Said the Lieutenant Commander of Alpha-1, on the other line of the Radio. "3... 2... 1... BOOM!" Yelled the General

An Explosion was heard, from the Cell Sector, the Guards got the alarms on. The Warden was woken up from the Explosion. "Let me guess, Aiden broke out..?" Said the Warden not surprised. "I am afraid so, sir." Said one of the Prison Guards. "I'm just confused that the fact Aiden did not break out sooner, but I mean government officials around the world will be after him sooner or later." Said the Warden not surprised still. "Alert the Commander at once!" Said another Prison Guard.

February 28th Valentine's day.

"My lord. What if this plan backfires and we all get sent to a... Maybe, obsidian prison. Sir." Said Lieutenant of Command, "Never fear, my LoC. I have it all sorted the plan out with the Generals."
Klaytoon, just nodded and left the room, closing the door and going outside, and he sat down, near the Effie tower sobbing in his legs. "Admiral Akbar, prepare the army tonight. We strike on France. Cut all communication lines, that can be able to be sent out from this universe to different universes." Said Aiden, "Roger that my Lord. Also, sir." The Admiral stopped Aiden for a quick second, as he listened to the Admiral. "What about the Miraculous heroes in Paris, won't they get in the way of our Army as they will be marching to the tower, putting our invasion flag on it, my Lord?" Exclaimed the Admiral, "Go with the BA51, army then. If they are a problem with our invasion, terminate or capture them as slaves. Admiral, you already know what to fucking do Admiral." Said Aiden, when walking out. The Admiral just nodded.

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