Chapter 5: The Meetup

Start from the beginning

They soon went to hug Sapnap, fully tackling him. In the background, I noticed that the other brits were chuckling as well.

After a few minutes, after the hugs, Tommy began to look around. "Where's the Big man?" "Yeah, where is Big D?" Tubbo chimed in.

3rd POV

"You know, if you weren't that distracted smothering Gogs and Sap, you might've noticed me." Startled, all of them noticed a signifacantly taller male than the couple, standing a little ways from the group, his arms crossed and a little spark of amusement in his eyes. Everyone did a double take.

He had dirty blonde hair that looked really messy, and was wearing a shirt that showed that he had a strong lean figure. He wrote a black mask that covered half his face.

The most interesting part about him was his eyes. Unlike a normal shade of emerald green, or forest green, they were a vibrant sea green, a rather unusual shade. But unlike a normal person, his eyes were cold and calculating, but nonetheless, a small spark in his eyes told them he wasn't completely emotionless. Some noticed faint lines and cracks in his eyes.

"You're Big D?! Damn, would have thought you looked different." Tommy smirked. The tips of Dream's ears reddened.

"What?!" All of them burst into laughter. Dream let out an undignified sound. The people around us stared at us weirdly.

"Yeah, thought you'd look less godly and shit." Dream adverted his gaze and muttered something under his breath.

His eyes snapped up, the small spark now nothing but a dull shine.

"Lets go get the others and get outta here. We're going to attract fans and I don't want an unexpected face reveal." His tone sounded light and joking, but it didn't quite reach his eyes and it sounded tense and strained.

They slowly nodded and followed after.

Time skip until they're all picked up. They all a little suspicious of Dream's behaviour, so they decided to have a chat in George and Sapnap's shared bedroom, George and Sapnap included.

"Does Dream always act like this? He sounds so much more bitter and gloomy than on stream."

Straight off the bat, straight to the point. George and Sapnap looked at each other before sighing and nodding.

"Yes. He wasn't like this as a kid. He sounded much more carefree. But maybe adulthood changed him?" They sounded uncertain.

"He sounds much more different than he does on stream or on call. Do you guys know why?"

"I really don't know. Maybe it's because his parents died? I mean, his childhood was tough. His father was lost at sea whilst deep sea fishing, and his 1st stepfather sucked. We met him when he was 12, after his abusive stepfather mysteriously disappeared. He was still recovering from trauma. Then his mom remarried, but just before he moved in with us his mom and 2nd stepfather died. Dream and his mom were close, we're sure of of that."

Silence ensued the room. Everyone agreed no one should suffer that much trauma before they even reached eighteen. Tommy and Tubbo were in shock. Dream had suffered so much more than them when he was their age.

"Let's just, keep an eye on Dream alright? I really don't want to see my rival and friend act like this." Techno muttered. The rest nodded in agreement.

"Well, now the sad shit is done, I call dibs on going to the beach!" Quackity yelled, followed by murmurs of agreement.

Dream POV

I was in the living room, checking my socials trying to calm down when a message from an unknown number popped up. My first instinct was to close it, ready to dismiss it as a crazy fan or just spam messages. But then I took a closer look at it. Before the number, was the Greek letter Delta, meaning that it was sent from a demigod monster proof phone.

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