Tenko Shimura Needs A Hug

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 Shigaraki was freaking out. He didn't want to hurt anyone anymore. He was forced to be a villain, he didn't want this! He was fifteen for heaven's sake.

He should've been worried about how many friends he had, or the latest gossip about how Present Mic is dating an underground hero. Not who master would have him kill next, or who he needs to kidnap next, because heaven forbid he disobey master. He didn't want to get punished again.

He was scared. He didn't want to hurt anyone anymore!

He could still remember the fresh look of fear in Bakugo's eyes as he asked him to join The League. Or the blood dripping down Eraserhead's face as The Nomu smashed his face into the ground. Or the look of desperation as he was about to disintegrate that Froppy girl's face.

He needed to escape.





So, in a state of panic he ran to Eraserhead's house. (He was forced to memorize all the UA staff's houses.)

He cursed himself mentally. Why did he come here of all places? It was too late to run away, however, as he sensed Eraserhead's presence approaching him fast. Too fast. Shigaraki started scratching his neck to the point of bleeding. Shigaraki fell against the front door, continuing to scratch away at his abused neck.

Eraserhead squatted in front of him, "You ok kid?" It had been so long since someone asked Shigaraki that. The teacher didn't seem to notice he was squatting in front of Shigaraki though. Eraserhead took Shigarakis' bony hands down away from his bloody neck. The young boy looked up at the pro-hero.

"C-can we not fight right now?" Shigaraki whimpered, "I don't wanna hurt anyone else!" Shigaraki looked up at the angry Aizawa.

"I don't wanna!" Shigaraki yelled, rocking back and forth. Aizawa picked him up, and sucked in a breath at how light shigaraki was. Luckily for him, Shigaraki didn't put up much of a fight as Aizawa picked him up. He instead cuddled into Aizawa and fell asleep.


Shigaraki woke up in an unfamiliar room. He panicked, then remembered, he was with Eraserhead!!! Not master! Eraserhead wouldn't hurt him would he?

Then Eraserhead stated, "Alright Shigaraki, I'm going to ask some questions, and you will answer, and we will know if you lie or not." Shigaraki didn't argue, he didn't have the energy to.

"Number 1, What's your name?" Aizawa asked.

"Tomura Shigaraki."

"Real name," Aizawa demanded.

"T-tenko Shimura."



Aizawa was shocked. He was younger than most of the kids in his class! What drove this kid to villainy?

"What drove you to become a villain kid?"

So Shigaraki told him everything. About his family, how the heroes failed to save him and master got to him first, and how he's been trained to be a villain for 10 long years.

"Oh kid..." Aizawa whispered, shocked that the kid had gone through so much and had survived to tell the tale.

Mic, who had apparently been listening in from the kitchen, ran out and hugged the poor shigaraki, also having been affected by the child's words. Shigaraki just fell into the couple's arms and cried. Cried for the loss of the life he never got to live. Crying for all that had happened to him. Cried because maybe, just maybe, he could be okay now.

So the young boy asked,

"Can I be happy now?"

Hizashi and Aizawa then looked into the their child's sad, crimson eyes, their eyes softening. They would make those eyes happy again.

"Of course kid."

And so Tomura Shigaraki Tenko Shimura was happy.

(And if Aizawa shared his sleeping bag with a certain someone that night no one knows

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2022 ⏰

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