Dabi's Redemption

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 Shoto knelt at his brother's feet, begging for his life, "Please..." he whispered desperately, also severely confused, "Please don't kill me for this, of all things..."

Dabi just laughed insanely, he wasn't right in his mind. "Oh poor Shoto! It's your fault you're in this situation! You took the spotlight away from me!" Shoto was scared out of his mind. Why was Touya jealous of the abuse he went through? Why?

Shoto then whimpered out, "Dabi, allow me th- this last one question—" The poor malnourished teen started hacking because of his wounds, he had many burns on his back from not only his father, but Dabi too. Dabi gestured for Shoto to continue, allowing him this one small mercy.

He was finally able to choke out, in such a whisper it would have put Kouta to shame, "Why are you jealous of the abuse he put me th- rough?" Then he started to cry, cry harder than he ever had, bending over his stomach in a fetal position. He then screamed, louder than he ever had before, "IT HURTS!!! TOUYA IT HURTS!!!" Then, in another hoarse whisper, full of agony, "P- please, I'll do anything, I beg you, Help me, Onii-san..."

Shoto hugged his brother's feet, he didn't mind the fact that Dabi was about to burn him alive, he was hugging his brother, and that was all that mattered to him. He needed affection from someone.

The hug of his brother somehow made Dabi snap out of it. He looked in horror at the burns on his poor baby brother's back, and the position they were in. Shoto hugging onto Dabi's feet for dear life, although Dabi was about to burn Shoto alive. Shoto had fainted from the pain he was in, along with crying so hard. Shoto was even crying in his sleep.

Dabi immediately put out his fire and fell to his knees, hugging Shoto in a way that wouldn't cause Shoto any pain. Dabi started to whisper sweet nothings into his little brother's ear, while rocking him at the same time. When his small brother calmed down, he started tending to his wounds, fixing all the burns him and Endeawhore gave. How could I be jealous of this? He questioned himself.

Soon a hero came, it was Eraserhead. He ran towards his student, Shoto, and Dabi. Except that he noticed that Dabi was different this time, blood was running from the patches under Dabi's eyes. But the most noticeable thing that he saw was that Dabi's eyes had emptied of insanity. In Eraserheads eyes he had the face of a child, rather than the face of one of the most evil villains out there.

It had surprised Eraserhead most, when Dabi's scratchy voice croaked out,

"Help— Help me... Eraserhead... Help us..."

And that's when Eraserhead noticed.

Villains aren't monsters, they're people with feelings. They were most likely people that didn't see another way out, that weren't helped by anyone. He looked back at all the villains he'd ever seen... Toga, Shigaraki, Dabi, Twice and even Kurogiri... They had all had a glimmer of sadness in them, either that or insanity. But most of all, they all looked young, extremely young. Toga looked no older than his students, Shigaraki looked at least 20, Dabi looked young too, along with Twice, except for Kurogiri, he couldn't be sure about him.

"Don't worry Dabi... The heroes are here to save you, Dabi..." Eraserhead whispered in a fatherly sort of tone.

The Erasure hero then pulled the young villain into a hug. Dabi then burst into ugly sobs... Eraserheads hero costume was getting bloody, for Dabi was injured to the point where he couldn't cry watery tears, but truly, the hero couldn't care less if his costume would stain.

The kid probably went insane... Eraserhead thought. He wouldn't have to go to jail, just therapy, or something like that. He then looked at Shoto. He noticed all his students bandages, covering wounds. He took one of the bandages off... It was a large burn in the shape of a handprint large enough to be that of a giant. And then he was certain... Endeavor was abusive. He suddenly had an idea. He checked the facial features of his student and Dabi... They looked as if they could be siblings. He searched through his memory for any news reports on the Todoroki family.


Latest news! The Todoroki family residence recently went up in flames! Young son of Endeavor, Touya Todoroki, is reported dead. The body was not found.

<end of flashback>

Dabi is Touya... Aizawa noticed. He would save Shoto and Touya. He was certain.

And so he did.

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