⚡️ Chapter Fifteen ⚡️

Start from the beginning

He turns around towards us. "I'm sure once the smoke clears they'll resume the attack. After seeing this, I think we've blown any hope of reasoning with them."

He brings the key out from under his shirt and holds it. "The cellar. I'm starting to remember. This key. Our house in Shiganshina! My father said I'd have to go back there. Everything hinged on it! I think it's why he gave me the power to transform. If I can make it back to our cellar, I might learn the Titan's secrets."

Suddenly, he bangs his fist into a rib of the corpse. "Why did he keep this stuff secret?! How many thousands of Scouts have already died, because my father didn't share this information?! It could be the last chance humanity has and the answer's been hiding under our house this entire time?! Is he insane?! Damn him...where have you been these last five years, Dad?"

Mikasa grabs his shoulder. "Eren, we have other business to work with."

He nods. "Right."

We all run out of the ribcage, before it vaporized and the skull fell down and crushed us. We huddle up in a small circle behind the ribcage.

"Listen." Eren starts. "I'm getting out of here."

"How?" I ask. "And where are you going?"

"I'll just transform again and run to the hole in the wall." He replies. "Then, I'll head straight over to Shiganshina and get to my cellar."

"You can transform at will?" Armin asks.

Eren looks up. "To be honest, I don't know how I'm doing it. I just know that I can. It's hard to put it in words, but it was like reflexive, see? In that moment, my mind focused on stopping the cannonball. That's why it's decaying already. It only had the endurance to meet that task." He starts breathing heavily.

"Eren, are you ok-" I begin to ask.

"Next time I'll be stronger." He growls, making a fist. "I'll be a fifteen meter high Titan-slayer just like I was before."

"Eren!" Mikasa exclaims. "Your nose is-"

Eren rubs under his nose, then looks at his finger, which now has blood on it. "Huh?"

"Your breathing is erratic and you're pale." Armin informs.

"Something's wrong with you, Eren. You're not well!" I add.

He wipes under his nose again. "As things stand, my health is irrelevant, but I have two ideas. You three could make it out of here alive, if you stop trying to protect me. I've brought you nothing but trouble as it is. I'm doing this on my own from this point forward."

Armin gasps softly, as do I. "You're kidding, but I-"

"Eren." Mikasa says firmly. "I'm coming too."

"No way." He replies.

"I plan to follow you whether you give me permission to or not." She continues. "I swear. I'll never leave your side."

"Mikasa, stop it. I'm being serious here!" Eren exclaims. "I'm not your little brother and I'm not some snot-nosed toddler!"

"Please stop fighting..." I ask meekly. "Now's not the time to fight..."

Eren looks at me and sighs, before looking back at Mikasa. "You didn't have to start a fuss. If you recall, I said I had two ideas."

He looks at Armin and I. "I expect you two to make the right decision."

Armin began stammering his words, but I'm intrigued with what he's got in mind. "What's your idea?"

"Well, I'm aware of how unrealistic this plan is." He looks at his hand. "Best case scenario? I try to use my Titan ability strategically, under military direction."

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