Chapter Forty-Seven

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It was the high peak of April, and the cool air of the Spring had fallen over the grassy fields, the fog in the mornings was a sight to see, and Brooklyn couldn't be any happier. Almost nine months into her pregnancy, she was feeling happier than ever.

As she stood by the front porch, looking into the horizon, she never imagined she would end up in this place, in her wedding dress, with the breeze blowing along the seams and caressing her bare feet, she was ready to marry the man she was meant to marry.

Cassie had been charged for attempted murder. Even if she only meant to knock Marshall down for her little trick, the dose of the drug had been too heavy, and now she, along with her partner, were transported to county jail, where they would spend a good amount of time behind bars.

The thought of her teaching that woman a lesson brought a smile to her face, and she hoped she never had to see her face around again. And best of all, the sheriff never knew what happened, as she was sure Cassie would not mention a word, and Mrs. Cole kept shut about it as well, knowing the woman deserved it for wanting to hurt one of their own local men.

"How is my bride?" Marshall asked as he wrapped his arms around her heavily rounded belly, peppering her neck with kisses.

"Don't you know it's bad luck to see the bride..."

"Yeah, yeah. I know. It's all superstitions. But you might want to get ready. Your father is waiting to walk you down the aisle." With one kiss on her temple, Marshall walked down the steps, joining the wedding guests, waiting for his future wife at the altar.

Abilene walked out of the house with her cute pink flowered patterned dress that reached down the knees, and her cowboy boots. Her hair was adorned with a flower tiara, and she carried a basket full of hay and petals.

"What do you have there, sweetheart?" Brooklyn asked, leaning down to peek at the basket.

"I decided to put some hay in it. It seemed, what do you call it, Mama? Fitting for a day and a place like this?" she smiled as she picked at the petals, looking up at her mother with a glint in her eyes. "You're marrying Daddy, and that makes me happy. It means we're truly staying here forever." A few tears of happiness streamed down her chubby cheeks.

Brooklyn cupped her face, and nodded. "Of course, my little one. We're starting a new life here." She kissed her cheek and urged her to walk forward as Paul and Carol approached their daughter, walking up the steps and gazing at her with pride in their eyes.

"Oh, my sweet doll." He mentioned, hugging her. "Both of my girls are grown, and living their own lives."

"Oh, Dad. We still love you. You're the first man to steal our heart. I know Bexley will agree with me on that."

"May God give you all the happiness you deserve, dear. He's a great man," Carol mentioned, to which Brooklyn nodded in agreement, saying he was the best she could ever have.

"Yes, and remember, I loved you first."

Brooklyn giggled. "Oh, Dad. Since when are you quoting song titles?"

"Since my daughters decided to leave the nest."

With a kiss on her father's cheek, she wrapped each hand on the crook of both of their elbow, taking a deep breath as they made it down the steps and towards her future. Her bare feet could feel the cool, wet grass, blessed with last night's rain and she felt as if she was connected with the place.

With her new home.

A soft country ballad played as they made their way down to the made up altar; the guests were in awe as she walked by on her beautiful off the shoulder rustic lace dress, with the train that fell long behind her and her hair down in waves, pinned with a pearl clip on the side.

She would be Mrs. Redd in just a few minutes.

But as she made it there, holding Marshall's hands, she gasped, her blue eyes meeting his in shock.

"What's wrong, Sugar?" Marshall asked, concerned.

"My water broke," she whispered as she looked at the priest with a faint smile. "Father, we say I do. Please declare us husband and wife," she screamed in pain while the priest in a hurry did as told, each of them putting a ring of their fingers and a quick kiss before Marshall led her to the truck, helping her in. He limped around and got in the driver's side, quickly driving off.

"Enjoy the party, everyone! I'm having my babies!" Brooklyn shouted from the window, tossing the bouquet of white roses before they were caught by Sophia, who gasped in surprise, looking at Jonah smiling at her.

The guests waved goodbye to the newlyweds, and Marshall in such a short time had arrived at the hospital. Not long after, the entire family, including Abilene, who didn't want to miss her siblings' birth, had arrived, all of them waiting patiently in the waiting room.

Brooklyn's dress was taken off and she was put into a gown, laid down in bed and checked by the nurses and doctors.

"It's time, Sugar." Marshall said, sitting on a chair by her side as she groaned with the discomfort of the labor pains. He grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles. "You can do this, my love. Bring those two treasures onto this world."

Feeling hot and sweaty, Brooklyn was ready to push and with the help of the medical staff, she had been settled to position.

"Now, Miss Evans...."

"Mrs. Redd, please," she chuckled, the staff and even Marshall joining in the laugh.

"Of course," the doctor said. "Mrs. Redd, I need you to take a deep breath and give me a nice long push. Baby number one is ready to come out."

Brooklyn did as told, and within a few seconds, the first baby was born. The cries brought tears of happiness and relief. "It's a boy, Mama," one of the nurses said as they all cleaned him.

"Ready for baby number two, Mrs. Redd?"

She nodded, giving the doctor another push before hearing the cries of a...

"A baby girl!"

Marshall pressed his forehead against hers, kissing her lips with tenderness. "I am so proud of you, Sugar. You have truly made me the happiest cowboy in the County."

"I better have," she let out an exhausted chuckle.

"Ready to hold one, Dad?" the nurse asked. With an eager nod, he extended his arms, holding his son, remembering the day he held Elliott.

"Oh, my little cowboy. You're so beautiful." he whispered, kissing his cheek before he lifted his gaze to see his daughter being handed to Brooklyn.

"Abilene will be happy to see them."

That statement had been true when an hour later, the door opened, and Abilene barged in, standing there with her hands on her mouth, covering her joyful surprise.

"Is that them?" she cried. "Please, tell me it's them!"

"It is. Come see them." Marshall helped her on bed as she stared at them sleeping soundly in her mother's arms.

"Mama. I have a brother and a sister. I won't be alone anymore."

Her words melted Brooklyn's heart as Abilene sat next to her, peeking over her brother's head to see them up close. Curiosity got the best of her and she raised her hand, touching his blue hat.

"I'm Abilene," she whispered, kissing his head. "I'm your big sister and promise to take care of you both."

She gazed at her mother once again. "What are their names?"

As Marshall sat there, enjoying his family, he sighed. "Alan and Aurelie."

"That's cute. Hello Alan and Aurelie. I already love you."

"And they love you, too, my Sugar Bug."

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