Chapter Forty-Three

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Marshall opened his eyes to the morning sun; his body ached from the discomfort of the metal of his truck's bed as he tried to sit straight. His leg hurt tremendously, and he couldn't stand the strong headache that tortured him.

With his truck parked under the tree he had taken Brooklyn to, he asked himself how had he gotten there?

Groaning in pain, he slid his body slowly, getting off the tailgate before he attempted to walk towards the driver's side. It was a miracle he even made it in, as his body wobbled and his vision was still blurry.

"What happened last night? He asked, holding his head, trying to ease the pounding headache. Turning the ignition on, he slowly made it out of the fields, driving down the dirt path until he reached the road that would take him back home.

All he could think about was leaving Brooklyn in the bar, not knowing where he could be. She must be worried out of her mind.

Trying to recollect what had happened the night before, all he could remember was grabbing his beer, talking to Cassie and then heading towards the table, where they had been waiting for him.

After that, his mind was blank, up until he woke up this morning.

Marshall arrived at the ranch, frowning when he noticed a cab parked in front of the house, the trunk open and a man waiting by it. Brooklyn rushed down the steps, and by the looks of her face, she wasn't happy.

"Brooklyn. Let him explain," he could hear Bexley as he parked next to the cab, getting out with difficulty before he limped towards his fiancée. But she ignored her sister's pleas as she gave the cab driver her luggage to put in the trunk while she went to get a crying Abilene inside the car.

"Mama, I don't want to leave! I want Daddy!" She begged her mother as she set her on the car seat, buckling her seatbelt.

"Sorry, sweetheart. But right now, Daddy is not here. And we have to go. We were supposed to visit grandma Carol and grandpa Paul anyway."

"Brooklyn, what is this?" Marshall approached her, just as she turned around to face him, closing the cab door to keep their daughter from hearing their conversation.

"Abilene and I will visit my parents."

"When are you coming back?"

Brooklyn sighed, looking at the distance, afraid to see the expression in his eyes.

"I'm not sure when, or if ever. Abilene and I need to be away for a while."

"Brooklyn, I don't know what happened last night. One minute I was heading towards the table with my drink, the next, I was on the bed of my truck."

"Jeremiah has been looking all over town for you, Marshall. All night," Bexley mentioned as she still stood by the porch steps, hugging herself. Saying goodbye to her sister and niece for who knows how long broke her, and if Marshall didn't stop them from leaving, she didn't know what else would.

"Maybe Cassie could explain that better, huh?" Brooklyn grabbed her phone from her pocket, not sure why she didn't delete the picture right away, but now she was glad she didn't, as she had to show him the deception and heartbreak he had caused her.

Marshall's eyes grew wide and looked at her with confusion on his face, before his eyes met Abilene's, who sat there still crying.

"I didn't show it to her, if that's what you're worried about. Wouldn't want to ruin the good image she has of you. But it's better if we leave. I don't want to see you, Marshall."

"You can't leave. I gave her my name, she's legally mine."

"May I remind you I have raised her on my own..."

"Because you've wanted to..."

"Because you pushed me away!" She breathed, staring back at Abilene, who had wiped her tears and stared at them with attentive eyes. "Leaving Italy was a mistake. Or accepting your marriage proposal. I can't marry you, Redd. I can't live with a man who might cheat on me one day, breaking both mine and our daughter's heart."

As she turned around to open the cab door and climb in, Marshall in his desperation to keep her from leaving, grabbed her harshly by the arm and pulled her towards him, not realizing he was hurting her.

In one swift motion, Brooklyn raised her hand, slapping his cheek, turning his face to the side while his shocked expression was ignored by her.

"Brooklyn!" Bexley scolded, but she was already in the cab, urging the driver to step on the gas and get them out of there, while Abilene cried uncontrollably for her father.

"I want my Daddy! Turn around, you mean man."

"I'm so sorry, sir." Brooklyn apologized for her daughter's behavior.

"No worries, Ma'am. Where to?"

"The airport. And the faster you can make it, the higher your tip will be."

He didn't have to be told twice as he made his way to the airport, getting the ladies there in record time. They both hurried to the ticket counter, buying a last minute fare before heading to the gate. Abilene had stopped crying, but she didn't say a word, as her mother had upset her.

All she wanted to do was meet her father, and maybe be a happy family, and didn't understand what reason her mother had to leave and take her away from him.

They both sat on the plane seat, waiting for it to depart while Abilene looked out the window, tears streaming down again and her sniffles echoing in Brooklyn's ears.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. But it's for the best." She held her hand, but the little girl pulled them away, hugging herself.

"You took me again from my Daddy. Why, Mama? Why would you do that to us?" Her blue eyes met Brooklyn's, disappointed. "We were happy. Why did we have to leave?"

She had no words, and didn't want to make Marshall look bad in front of her. She adored the man, idolized him even, and if she knew what he had done, it would devastate her.

As the plane departed, Brooklyn looked down at her belly, rubbing the tiny bump that had started to show.

"I'm sorry, both of you," she whispered to her and the baby growing inside her. "It's for the best." Those words felt like acid in her throat. Same words she had used over and over years ago when she thought keeping Marshall from knowing who Abilene was had been for the best.

She was doing it again. Leaving, pregnant, and with no idea of seeing Marshall again. He would not get to see his baby, just as he had missed seeing Abilene.

Taking the phone out, she searched for the picture, maybe trying to look for a sign that it had all been a lie, but it all pointed to a truth she didn't want to believe, but was there.

Hitting the delete button, she got rid of the image from her device, but she knew she wouldn't be able to get it out of her mind.

Marshall Redd had deceived her, and she would never forgive him. 

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