Chapter Twenty-Six

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 Sophia found herself speechless. She didn't know how to respond to his question and it made her feel nervous, finding herself looking down, hoping to avoid looking at him.

Jonah, knowing what she was trying to do, stepped closer to her, lifting her chin with his hand to meet his eyes. His brown orbs were searching for a hint of hesitation from her, and seeing one, he sighed.

"Sophia, he needs to know that learning the ropes on the hardware store so Mr. Gilligan leaves it to you was not the only reason you were staying there longer after school," he grabbed her hand and lifted it to his lips to kiss her knuckles. "He needs to know we were spending time together. I like you, and I would love for you to be my girlfriend one day. But I need to know your brother gives us his blessing."

Sophia pulled away from his hold and hugged herself. "He's not going to accept this. I know it. As much of a friend of your father as he is, Marshall won't let me date."

"We won't know until we try, Sophia. I want to be the one to give you your first kiss, to hold you and cherish every moment with you." He grabbed her hand again, smiling at her with softness in his eyes. "I want to take you to prom next year and the year after. Graduate together." Jonah paused, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "I want to love you the way you deserve. But I want to do this right. I respect Mr. Redd, and as your father figure, I want to ask for permission to date you properly."

Noticing she was still hesitating to give him an answer, he leaned to kiss her cheek and walked past her, ignoring her words of protest as he made it inside to join everyone.


Brooklyn was reheating the soup Sophia had made, shaking her head at the idea of eating such a hot meal on an even hotter day. But it was still comfort food and her stomach was rumbling greatly, so anything would do.

Making fresh sandwiches for her and Marshall, knowing the young girls have already eaten, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist, giving her the rush she has wanted to feel all these years.

Marshall stood behind her, leaning his chin on her head–being taller had its perks, he thought–and squeezed her lovingly against him. "It smells good," he whispered in her ear.

"Of course it does. Sophia seems to be a good cook. I am just reheating what she made and building some sandwiches."

He turned her around, looked into her eyes and raised his hand to caress her cheek, feeling the soft skin under his rough palm, awakening his emotions once again.

"You're glowing," she mentioned. "You don't seem upset anymore. It's like a switch has been turned and it's showing your sweet side."

"Well, it's all thanks to you. I guess you coming back had to do with it," he chuckled. "And to think I wanted to hate you for leaving me. But, the truth is, I love you even more than I did when I saw you get out of that car. It's like everything would be okay. Like the air that had been gone from my lungs had filled them again."

Brooklyn wrapped her arms around his neck just as a soft country ballad started to play on the small radio sitting on the top of the counter. They swayed to the music, looking at each other with love and passion in their eyes, giving into their improvised moment.

"You are such a romantic. My grumpy cowboy is nothing but a big softie at heart. I love you," she whispered, reaching up to peck his lips

For a moment, no one else existed but them. Them and the kitchen that acted as their own private stage, Marshall twirling her around before he pulled her in his arms again. Brooklyn pressed her head against his chest, hearing his heartbeat, pacing along with hers.

"Jonah, please. Don't do this." Their moment was interrupted when Sophia and Jonah walked in, forcing them to pull away from each other and giving their attention to the young couple.

"Mr. Redd, could I please speak to you?" Jonah asked as he took his hat off, holding it tightly in his hands.

"Sure, what's going on?" Marshall asked, urging him to sit on the table. Sophia stood by the doorway, staring at Brooklyn with dread in her eyes, and when she couldn't move from where she stood, the woman approached her, taking her in a comforting embrace.

"What do you want to tell me?"

Jonah gave Sophia one last apologetic glance before he turned back to face Marshall, who stared at his sister with curiosity and waited for the young cowboy to speak.

"I wanted to ask for your permission to..." Jonah took a deep breath, finding himself shaking with nerves. He sat up straight, staring at the man into his eyes and took the confidence he needed. "I would love to date your sister."

Sophia's air left her lungs, and as she held onto Brooklyn, she could feel her brother's eyes on hers, and she knew they were not agreeable to what Jonah was asking.

"So, you want to date my sister, who is too young to date?"

"Marshall..." Brooklyn warned.

"And what? Get all crazy in love and then you will get her pregnant? And if she loses her child, you will just leave her? Or worse, take her away and abandon her who knows where?"

"Marshall..." This time it was Sophia who tried to stop him. Jonah stared at him, confused.

"Well, guess what? She will not date anyone until she finishes college, and I've spoken!" Marshall stood from the chair, stomping out of the house.

Here we go, Brooklyn thought as she gave Sophia an encouraging smile before she followed Marshall to the front porch, seeing him lean against the railing, looking at the distance.

"So, will you run out every time something is not to your liking?" she asked, standing behind him with her arms folded on her chest, looking at his back with a frown on her face. "Do you think Jonah is like Cassie? That he will abandon your sister at the first sign of trouble?"

"Don't go there, Brooklyn. What happened between Cassie and I has nothing to do with me agreeing for them to date."

"Well, it sure sounded like it, Marshall. If Cassie wanted to leave you, that was her problem. Jonah and Sophia are two different people, and they want to experience love for the first time, just like you did with her. Unless this has you second guessing everything and you still have feelings for her."

"I don't have feelings for her, but Jonah and Sophia are younger than we were when we fell in love."

"So what? I am sure they'll be careful, and if they make a mistake, they will deal with it and you will be there for her."

Marshall chuckled dryly, gritting his teeth. "What do you know? You just came back, with a daughter in your arms, after leaving me."

"Are we doing this again? I apologized, and we are supposed to be fine."

"Oh, are we?" he asked, stepping towards Brooklyn and looking down at her as if she was an enemy. "Is she even mine? Or did you bed a random Italian guy to make me think she is mine?"

Brooklyn gasped. With tears in her eyes and no thoughts in mind, she raised her hand and slapped him across his face as he shocked himself at the words that came out of his mouth.


"Don't, Marshall. Don't say another word. Abilene and I will not stay a moment longer."

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