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I watch the clock tick by while I lay in bed, unable to sleep. I feel my breathing getting deeper, but my eyes won't drift out of the darkness and into their dream state. I keep thinking of Henry, of how many times I've almost ruined us, and how he has pulled the pieces back together and saved me time and time again. I think of when he told me the truth about himself, about his childhood, his powers. Is his power the key to getting us out of here? Why hasn't he used it before to get out of this place? 

I hear my doorknob rattling slightly, and I jump up from my fetal position and out of my thoughts. Henry stands above me, his eyes sympathetic and calm. He approaches me quietly, placing his warm palms on my cheeks, then sitting down on my bed and holding me tightly in a hug. He doesn't let go of me, and he whispers, "Are you okay?" His voice is thick and slow, giving me all the time in the world to answer. I nod into the crook of his neck, "I wouldn't have been okay if you didn't tell Brenner the whole story. I can't tell you how much I owe you, Henry." Our bodies are melted together, welded as one piece; we are stronger together. 

I slowly release myself from his arms and ask the question that determines our future. "Can I ask why you haven't shown me your powers? It's okay that you haven't, I'm just curious. He looks into my eyes and says, "You have no idea how much I want to," he pulls back his messy blonde hair, showing me a small lump in his neck. "Soteria, the absolute bane of my existence. A location tracker and power weakening system implanted into my neck by Brenner." I come closer and touch the hard device visible through his soft skin, "Does it know that you're in here with me?" He shakes his head, "No, it isn't that distinct or accurate. It can tell what part of the building I'm in, but not what room I'm in within a hallway. It also only notifies Brenner if I try to leave the facility or attempt to drastically hurt myself." I nod, coming close to him. "Henry, that could be our ticket out of here. You are our ticket out of here. If I can get that out somehow, we would be able to work together and get out of here." He smiles and hugs me tightly. "Why do you think I've been trying so hard for you to embrace your telekinetic abilities, Y/N? I know how powerful we can be together, and these people here have nothing on us. We could have a normal life, we could really get out of here and move somewhere beautiful and calm." I smile, thinking of the life that we could accomplish. "So," I sigh, "how in the hell do I get that thing out of you?" 

We sit on my bed, preparing for the removal. I get a thick paperback for him to bite down on and a few ripped-out book pages to clean up any blood. "After this, we have 5 hours to get everything ready to get out of here before the night crew is replaced with the day shifters and Brenner is here. We have got to hurry." Henry says, squeezing my hand tightly. 

I give him a long kiss before placing the book between his teeth and telling him to bite. I stand behind him, reminding myself of the first time I did this. I had to feel the emotion, be reminded of hardship and turmoil. Put your energy inside of your power, find it and feel it. I think of anger, I think of betrayal. I remember Brenner's smug grins and cold stares, his manipulation and power. My hand shakes out in the air, I feel the heat rise in the room and the energy getting stronger. Henry breathes heavily as the tension builds, and the small device is removed out of his neck with abrupt force as it skitters onto the floor. I take a deep breath and wipe my nose as Henry takes the book out of his mouth. I close my eyes to regain stability and peace, and I feel his warm body wrap around mine. His blood drips slowly from his wound and onto his soft skin, but I don't mind. We are free from that, we are free from this place. The only thing left to do is find a plan to get out.

I clean the blood from his wound as he draws out a map, a plan after being trapped here for so many years. "I know this place like the back of my hand, but it means nothing to me. Is that sad? I have lived here since I was 12 years old, and I have nothing to go back into my room for before we leave. There is nothing left for me here." I squeeze his hand and say, "The only thing we need is each other." 

My vision is overpowered by a warm feeling of love and lust. I see our first kiss, us confessing our love, my own thoughts of him swarming in my brain. I feel myself reflecting on our epic love, and I couldn't be happier. As my vision comes back to me normally, I see his nose drip with blood just like mine. His powers are similar to mine, only mirroring your own feelings to yourself, while mine broadcast my personal feelings to others. We are closer than I thought, we are stronger together. I never want to let him go.

(author's note - HI FRIENDS! i'm back and it's looking like this is nearly the end. i'm guessing that i will be able to close out this story VERY soon, and I can't believe it. I have found myself so invested with these characters, and watching the story slowly wrapping up is so bittersweet. i hope you guys have been enjoying it. i will be back soon with the next chapter. aghhhh!!! if you're reading this before season 4 volume 2 is released, i am so excited for it to come out!! do you guys think we'll see any more of human 001??? i sure hope so!!!! xoxoxoxo - citrinevinyl)

sitting, waiting, wishing - 001/human vecna/Henry CreelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon