Girls on Film

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After spring break Hawkins High was moved to make-shift classrooms in trailers in the next town over. Apparently a lot of classrooms got damaged from the "earthquake." Luckily, the Wheelers decided to rent a place in that town so their kids could finish out the school year. 

Nancy and I sit next to each other at one of the  tables in photography class. I adjust my leg and it rubs the metal leg of the table. It's rusty.

I tap Nancy on her shoulder, "Do you think I'm going to get tetanus from the rust?"

"Do you have your shot?" she whispers back.

"Yeah, but what if-"

"Ms. Buckley, do you have something you'd like to share with the class?" the teacher interrupts me.

My face goes red, "No ma'am."

"Will you remind me of the assignment I just gave you?" she probes.

Shit. I wasn't paying attention. An awkward moment of silence ensues.

"We have to take several portraits of one person with them displaying a range of different emotions," Nancy says, breaking the silence.

"Ms. Wheeler, I did not ask you the question. But since you seem to be knowledgeable regarding the assignment, I will pair you with Ms. Buckley."

I struggle to suppress a smile, we would've worked together anyways. Without thinking I give Nancy's hand a squeeze under the table. 

"Very well," Nancy replies to the teacher. She gives my hand a squeeze back, not letting go.

I get through the rest of the school day, I only have the one class with Nance. It's also coincidentally my favorite class. Odd. 

When the day is over Steve picks us up, along with Dustin, who has been glued to his side since Eddie died. Mike rides with us too, much to Nancy's discontent. Lucas hasn't been back at school, he won't leave Max's bedside. The rest of us visit but he stays, sleeps there too. It feels kind of silly for us to be going to school, doing homework assignments. It's like the world ended but everyone is choosing to ignore it.

Thinking about that makes my eyes tear up, I think everyone is a little emotionally fucked up at the moment. Nancy, who's sitting in the middle seat in the back of the car notices my sad expression. She snakes one of her arms behind me and takes my hands with the other one, leaning her head on my shoulder. Her closeness relaxes me instantly, I lean into her and smile. 

Once at the Wheeler's house Nancy and I drop our stuff before mounting bicycles. We bike in silence, I watch her hair fly in the wind as she stands up while she rides. 

"See that Robin?" she yells into the air.

"You're really just rubbing my lack of coordination in my face at this point, aren't you Nance?"

She looks back for a moment, "How'd you know?" she says smirking.

"You're gonna pay for that!" I warn, speeding up my bike.

"As if you could catch me," she responds, following suit and pedaling faster.


I hear a yelp and subsequent crashing sound behind me, "NANCY!"

I immediately turn my bike around and see that Robin fell off her bike. I get off mine and crouch down to help her, her hands are wrapped around her knee. 

"Did you break the camera?" I ask.

She raises her eyebrows, "I'm dying here and you're worried about the camera?"

"If you were dead you wouldn't be talking."

She puts her hand on my shoulder, "I wouldn't be too sure about that Wheeler. The camera is fine. Now, can you pretend to care about me for a second?"

I shrug her hand off, "As if I have to pretend."

The corners of her mouth curve up, "Sorry, sorry. How will you ever forgive me?"

"Oh shut up, let me see where it hurts."

She moves her hand away from her knee, where there's a nasty scrape. 

"I have a first aid kit in my bag," I tell her.

"I grow to love you more and more every day," she says, smiling up at me as I retrieve the pouch from my bag. 

I take a little longer than I need to so my blush will disappear, "Ok, I'm going to clean it- actually, I need to stop the bleeding first."

"Don't you just have to kiss it to make it better?" she teases as I finish putting on the bandage.

"I'm not a doctor so I wouldn't know," I say back, my blush returning.

"Too bad, maybe next time," Robin responds before using my shoulder to boost herself up.

I take a deep breath to compose myself before we resume riding our bikes. 

Eventually we arrive at the location we decided on to shoot the photos, a clearing in the woods with a stream running through it. Robin takes off her shoes and stuffs her socks into them, immediately beginning to wade in the water the when we arrive.

I pick the camera off the ground where she placed it, "I guess that means you're going to be the subject."

Robin bends over and absentmindedly examines stones, "You're better than me anyways."

I adjust the camera's exposure, "I did pick up a thing or two from Jonathan."

Robin looks at me, "Are you two still together?"

I move my eyes to hers, "No, we...decided to go our seperate ways."

"How about Steve?"

I give her a look, "I don't feel a desire to have his six little nuggets."

"Fair enough," she says, smiling.

I admire how the light coming through the trees hits her hair and decide that would make for a good photograph. I hope we get to keep the prints after.


"Come in with me," Robin says.

"I shouldn't, we have to do this assignment."

"C'mon, we have all weekend!"

I can't resist her pleas and take off my shoes before walking into the ankle deep water, "Holy shit, it's freezing Robin."

She hands me a perfectly round stone, "For you."

I roll my eyes but stow it in my pocket, "Why aren't you dating Steve?" I ask.

She looks at me, surprised, "That came out of nowhere."

"Sorry- I'm just...confused."

Robin looks on edge, "I don't want to date any guys now."

"But in the future?"

"I don't know," she answers.

I summon up all my courage, "If I was a guy would you date me?"

She pauses, seeming to consider her answer. Then she looks directly into my eyes, "Who says you'd have to be a guy?" 

A swirl of emotions clouds my head.

"If I was a guy would you date me?" she asks me this time.

"Who says you'd have to be a guy?" I repeat her answer.

Robin takes my hands in hers and steps closer, "Is this okay?"

The coolness of the water doesn't bother me anymore, my whole body feels warm. "Yes," I respond right away.

At this moment it feels as if we're the only two people to exist, the stream washing away every problem I've ever had. I can't help but note how much of a cliché this is. But while this interaction might have occurred in some similar form, the feeling of my lips crashing against hers is original. No one has known, or will ever know her embrace in this moment like I do. We are passionate like no others will ever achieve. As we pull away, still clinging to each other, I gaze into her eyes. This is love.

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