Shirley Temples

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I'm getting ready for a date-night with Robin when I hear her enter my room.

"...Oh my god," I hear Robin whisper behind me.

I pivot to her to see what's wrong and she collapses onto the floor, "Robin!" I exclaim as I rush to her side.

She rolls over and smirks, "You looked so hot I fainted."

I hit her shoulder and stand back up, "You're such an asshole."

She moves her hands to her heart, "I think I'm having a heart attack now, call 911 Nancy!"

A smile tugs at the edges of my mouth, "Well, when you're done having your very concerning medical emergencies will you help me zip up my dress?"

Robin clumsily gets back up, "All better!"

"Good to know."

She walks up behind me and places one hand on my lower back, using the other to zip up my dress.

"You look beautiful," she says before spinning me around and planting a kiss on my lips.

I exhale, flustered, "You're going to mess up my makeup."

"Your blush looks good."

"...I didn't use blush."

"I know," she says, kissing me on my neck before pulling away and leaving the room. She looks me up and down as she leaves, making me blush even more.

I'm smiling like a dork as I finish getting ready.

I rush out to Steve's car, our chauffeur for the night.

"Robin, get your license, or Nancy just get a car already- I'm not a taxi service!" he complains as I get in.

"Hi Steve," I say as I sit next to Robin in the back.

She makes eye contact with me, causing us both to break out into laughter.

Steve turns around, "What's funny back there?"

I look at Robin again and we both lose it even more, Steve mumbles indiscernible complaints as he starts the car.

The drive to the restaurant is mostly just Steve talking about how my brother and his friends are driving him up the wall. We say a quick thank you and dart from his car the second we arrive.

Robin holds the door for me as we enter the restaurant, "How chivalrous," I joke.

"Anything for my lady," she responds, completely serious.

"You're such a dork," I say as we walk in.

She smiles, "As long as I'm your dork."

I roll my eyes before turning to the hostess to check in for our reservation.

"Hi, I have a reservation for Wheeler at 7."

"Right on time! Welcome to Enzo's, miss. Let me show you to your seat." She leads us to a table with two chairs, tucked away in a corner of the restaurant, "This spot is more isolated from some of our...rowdier customers. New store policy to keep nice girls like you away from crazed drunks. Ha, just kidding!"

I stifle a laugh, "This is perfect, thank you."

We sit down and order our drinks before scouring the menu, I end up going with the carbonara and Robin orders the alfredo. As we wait we sip on shirley temples, which Robin insisted we get to be "fancy."

Robin leans over and looks in my glass, "How come you got 2 cherries and I got one?"

"Do you want it?"

Her face lights up, "Yes!!!" she practically yells.

"Shhh!" I whisper, using my fork to fish the cherry from my glass. I take it by the stem and hold it out, "Here." Robin goes to grab it but I pull away, "With your mouth."


"Are you serious?" I say, amused.

She shrugs, not responding.

I open my mouth and look Nancy dead in the eyes. She carefully puts the cherry in my mouth, her fingers lingering on my lips for a second as her hand moves away.

"That was hot for some reason," I tell her after I finish chewing.

She seems at a loss for words, just giving me a smile and nod before flagging down our waiter to get more bread-sticks.

I sip on my shirley temple as Nancy crunches on the fresh bread-sticks, "The whole you being quiet thing is oddly entertaining."

"I think it'd be more 'odd' coming from you," she comments, breaking her silence.

I put on a sad face, "Ouch Wheeler, that was harsh."

"What did you expect from me? You know I'm the meanest bully Hawkins has ever seen."

I let out a dramatically deep breath, "Well, you know...I thought you'd treat me with the utmost kindness since we're such good friends."

"The best of friends," she says, mirroring my sarcastic tone.

Our banter is interrupted by the arrival of our food. "The carbonara for this lovely lady," the waiter serves Nancy her food, "...and the alfredo for you," he adds as he gives me mine.

"For this lovely lady? And the alfredo for you?!?" I say after he's out of earshot, "Am I missing something, or was that dude hitting on you and most definitely not me?"

Nancy takes a bite of her pasta before answering, "I think he was hitting on me."

"Creep," I mumble.

Nancy makes a noise of agreement as she gets back to her food, the topic of the waiter doesn't come up again but I give him a dirty look whenever he walks past us.

We decide to share a chocolate lava cake for dessert, as we're both stuffed but still feel compelled to get something sweet. Soon enough our bill is payed, and we're waiting outside for Steve on a bench. Nancy's head rests on my shoulder as I watch for his approaching car.

Steve pulls up, 20 minutes past the time he agreed to pick us up.

"You'reee lateee," I complain in a sing-songy voice as Nancy and I climb into the car.

"I know, I know. I lost track of time," Steve retorts.

"There are bugs outside, Steve," Nancy says, in a less happy-go-lucky tone than mine.

He gives me a look before he turns to Nancy, "Jesus, I'm, did you two have a good date?"

Nancy's gaze flickers to me and she smiles, "Yes, we did."

Steve does a fist-pump, "Glad to hear it! Don't yell at me, I'll drive now."

He takes us back to Nancy's house where we quietly make our way up to her room and get ready for bed, it's late so I decide to just stay over.

Nancy climbs into her bed and holds the covers up for me to slide in. I tuck myself under her arms so that she's spooning me.

"I love you," she whispers, her words lighting up my heart despite the darkness of her room.

"I love you too," I say back as I drift off, sleep coming over me as I lay wrapped in her arms.

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