Movie Night

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4:23 PM

I'm reshelving movies as Steve talks up some girl. Every word they're saying makes me want to die of second-hand embarrassment. 

I hear the door open and turn around to greet another beloved patron. Much to my surprise, it's Nancy Wheeler. She looks around for a second before her eyes fall on me and she walks over. 

"I think the movies you'd be interested in are over there," I say with a big smile on my face as I motion towards the kid's section.

Nancy looks unamused, "I need a really scary movie."

I raise my eyebrows, "Ms. Nancy Wheeler? A scary movie? I have to be honest- I'm just flabbergasted."

"Something gory," she says. Her tone remaining annoyed, but I swear I see a hint of amusement in her expression.


She looks around at the movies as she speaks, "Preferably."

"Why? You want sex scenes?" I tease.

She quickly turns back towards me, "NO, of course not. I'm not looking for...pornography," she whispers the last part.

"You sure? If you're planning to watch it with a guy, I can give you one that'll at least get you to second base."

Nancy rolls her eyes, "Can you just do your job?"

I put my hands up, "Ok,, there is no guy then?"



"There isn't a guy, I just want to watch a movie," she insists.


"Can you say something other than ok?"

I decide to see if I can push my luck, "So are you watching it with friends, or alone?"


"And you're sure you didn't want a porno?"

Nancy shakes her head frustratedly, "I'll just ask Steve for help."

"He's busy with a customer, I'm your only hope," I say with a shrug.

"Fine. Just tell me a movie."

"I'd recommend The Shining. It's more psychological stuff than stabbing, but I think you'd like it."

Finally, Nancy doesn't look like she wants to stab me, "Thank you. Where's the tape?"

I pick it up from the pile I'm reshelving, "I have one right here."

She reaches over to grab it, her hand brushes up against mine in a way that makes my body freeze. I don't realize I've been making intense eye contact with her until she gives me a tight smile before turning away to go check out. 

I'm about to go back to work before she stops in her tracks and comes back to me, "Can I help you with something else?" I ask her.

"This might sound completely stupid, but would you want to watch this with me later?" Nancy asks, sounding almost nervous.

I struggle to suppress my excitement, "Yeah, totally, that sounds awesome. I've seen it before but it's one of my favorite movies so I wouldn't mind seeing it again. I don't get off work until 5, so when do you want me to come? Should I eat before? I think my mom was going to make casserole, I don't really like casserole though-"

"Robin. That's a lot of words."


Nancy continues, "Come over at 8, I have food you can eat."

Ronance Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें