The Makeover

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A/N: This is my take on the makeover scene that we didn't get to see in Episode 4 of Season 4. I know the start is different but this is fan fiction so I think y'all will survive.


"Steve, could you please leave?" I ask him as I throw an array of clothing onto my bed.

"Fine, jeez, I'll just be downstairs," he says before promptly exiting my room.

"PRAY FOR ME!" Robin yells.

I go close my door before turning to her, "I'm helping you right now, try being nicer."

"Ok, ok- sorry! I just never thought I'd be trying on Nancy Wheeler's clothes," she responds defensively.

"...Is there a problem with my clothes?"

She shakes her head, "No! No, there isn't- I just didn't expect to end this situation."

"Believe me, neither did I."

Robin makes a face, "What's that supposed to mean?"

I shrug, "Forget the going to an asylum part, but you popping up in my social circle is a bit of a surprise."

She looks a little hurt, "Oh?"

"Oh god, that came out wrong! It's just're kind of a loner?"

She makes a face, "I'm very aware of that, don't worry."

"I didn't mean it in a bad way, there's nothing wrong with it."

Robin laughs, "You sure?"

I pause for a moment, "It might seem a little odd to some people but it's kind of cool, like a big fuck you to society."

She raises her eyebrows, "So you're telling me that my lack of friends is rebellious?

"Well not when you put it that way!"

An awkward moment of silence ensues, leaving me trying to figure out what to say next. I don't know why but she makes me nervous. I'm not scared of her or anything, but I'm a little on edge. Holy shit this is so dumb, just say something Nancy.

"Do you need to borrow a bra?" I blurt out.

FUCK. Why would I say that.

"Do I?"

"You'll need one...are you wearing one?"

She has an amused smile pasted on her face, "Yes, it's not fancy or anything though, I've had it for years."

"Would it work with this?" I ask, holding up a blouse.

She seems bewildered, "There's different bras for different outfits?"

I sigh, "Can I see what you have?"

Her face turns as red as a tomato, "Sure."

We stand there for a second before I turn around and stare intently at my floor. 

"You can turn back around now, Nancy."

I slowly move to look at her, my breath hitching at the sight of Robin in her bra. I force myself to move my eyes from her chest to her face after a slightly suspicious amount of time spent staring.

"Is it fine?" she questions.

"I have one you can borrow," I respond bluntly. I'm afraid I'll give myself away if I say anything else.

"Well, there's our answer." 

I find a bra she can use in my dresser and put it on the bed before going back to staring at the floor. My heart races as I hear her get changed.


When I'm done dressing myself in Nancy's...frilly clothes, I turn around to let her know she can look at me again. I can't help but be amused by how dutifully she stares at the floor. I can only see her back, but not a muscle in her body seems to be moving. 

"So how's your boyfriend?" I say, hoping to get a jump out of her.

"Are you decent?" she responds.

I let out a sigh, mission failed, "If that's what you'd call how I look in these clothes."

She walks over to the bed and sits on the edge, checking out my outfit, "You look good."

"Just good? Am I not the next Miss America?"

She rolls her eyes, then seemingly hesitates for a second before asking, "Can I do your makeup?"

"I don't know? Can you?" I respond.

"I can and I will. Sit down, I'll get out my stuff."

I take a seat, "Thanks, Nance."

She pauses as she rummages through her drawers, "Nance? Since when do you call me that?"

I shrug, "Since now I guess."

Nancy doesn't respond but I see a smile cross her face before she throws a small pouch at me, "Think fast."

"That is something I do," I say before I catch it, nearly dropping it in the process.

"How do you want to do this?" she asks.

"I don't know, I don't really do makeup. I'm really just following your lead at this point."

She pulls her desk chair over in front of me and takes a seat. I'm hyper aware of how close her face is to mine as she scooches towards me and leans in to do my makeup.

"That tickles," I say as she uses a little brush on my cheek.


I sigh, "Rude."

She groans, "Stop moving, you keep messing me up."

"Oh c'mon, it doesn't have to be perfect."

Now it's Nancy's turn to sigh, "You have to look presentable."

"Are you saying I don't look presentable on a daily basis?"

"Stop talking," she ignores my question.

"I won't shut up until you answer me. In fact, I could keep talking for days. I think you know how good I am at going on, and on, and on, and-"

"Robin," Nancy interrupts me.

"Are you going to answer me now?"

"Fine," she says, annoyed.


"While your style is...less conventional, I like it. It suites you," she says, her tone jaded.

"Was that so hard, Nance?"

"It was actually extremely difficult," she responds with a slight smile. 

"Oh for sure."

A loud knock startles us, and we practically jump away from each other, having previously just been inches from each others faces.

"I'll get that," Nancy says, seemingly flustered.

My heart pounds in my chest, I try to act normal as Nancy lets Steve into the room. We both remain quiet as she sits back down, farther away as she finishes up my makeup.

Steve is oblivious to the tension in the room, per usual, "Are you almost finished?" he asks Nancy.

"All done," she says, a forced-looking smile on her face.

"Perfect! Let's go!" Steve enthusiastically responds, still oblivious.

Nancy puts her makeup stuff away, and I move her chair back to her desk. I avoid eye contact as we leave the room. My gaze only falling upon hers for a split second as we leave the bedroom. The intensity of the moment leaves my whole body feeling weak, yearning to have her face close to mine again.

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