Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 12: Fᴏʀᴇᴠᴇʀ Gᴏɴᴇ

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Jake's POV:

"When people are sitting on shit that you want, you make them your enemy. Then your justified in taking it." My eyes go off of Grace then to Saige. She sits there looking down at the table, looking more depressed than I've ever seen her.
Trudy nudges in. "Quarich is rolling the gunships he is going to hit home tree."

"Dr. Augustine. You cannot be up here!"
"Parker. Back off." Grace pushed the person out of her way "Parker these are people your about to- I said back off!"
"No these are fly bitten savages that live in a tree. Alright? Look around. I don't know about you but I see a lot of tree's, they can move!!" As they argue I see Saiges' fists turning white I tap her hand. To let her know, she finally relaxes her hands. I talk Parker into trying to get the navi to move before they arrive.

Me, Saige, and Grace come from the spiral staircase "Eytukan, I have something to say." I say. "Listen!" Saige jumped from the ledge. "Speak, Jake Sully"
"A great evil is upon us. The sky people are coming...to destroy hometree."
"Tell them that they will be here soon!"
Saige translates for me. "Are you certain of this?" Mo'at asks.
Saige looks at me with a unsure face I nod to her making sure to let me talk.
"Look they sent me to learn your ways so that one day I could bring this message and you would believe it."
Ney'tiri goes up to both of us. "You are saying...you knew this would happen?"
"I brought you into this clan thinking I could trust you.." She turned to her father, grabbing his arm. "Bind them." Eytukan demands "You have to go!" Saige yelped. "They are coming!!" Grace said after.

"No! Godamnit run!!" I yell but nobody listens. "They won't listen." Saige whispered. They started firing gas bombs but it got worse from there, the bullets contained fire and they started taking the tree down.
The navi finally decide to retreat. "Ney'tiri!" I called to her. She ignored me and just ran off. "My god!" Grace struggled and squirmed. Mo'at came tword Jake. "If you are one of us, then help us." Mo'at cut the rope, she helped each of us escape.

Eva's POV:

I Run as fast as I could from the tree. The forceful wind knocked us down from our feet. It was all so blurry, the ashes hurt my eyes and the heat burnt my skin. "Come on Grace move!" I push her to the otherwise of the log we landed on. Jake pulled me in. Mo'at also got pulled behind the log. A big blast happened there was a big silence.

A large creak sound from the tree sounded. I lift my head to see the tree slowly coming down. "Go! Go! Go!" Jake made sure all 3 of us were if front of him. The horrified screams from the villagers sounded terrible. Most could not make it in time...
It was done, the tree could not be saved now it had fully made its way to the ground. Terror and Sarrow spreaded across everyone's face. I made sure mo'at and Grace are okay. Luckily they are safe but many others have died and now there home was gone forever.

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