- { Chapter 13 } -

Start from the beginning

"Oh my God!" Bess slaps a hand over her mouth in shock as she sees the dog in my arms.

"He needs a vet, now!" I shout as I make my way to the front door.

     Bess and Garth quickly grab the twins and put them in their carseats in their family van. I climb into the trunk and put the back seats down, so I have room to work on the dog while we travel. Garth and Bess get into the front seats and start the car, speeding out of the driveway.

     I hold my hands over the dog, trying to assess the damage with my magic. His right hind leg is completely shattered. It will probably have to be amputated if I can't heal it. He has scars all over his back and stomach. Whoever did this to him is sick. He can't be any older than a year based on his size. By the looks of it, he's a wolfdog. Half wolf, I can't tell what the other half is.

     I hover my hands over his shattered leg and try to heal it as best as I can. The babies start crying, causing me to slightly lose focus. I clench my eyes shut and tune out all the noise around me. I feel warmth spread through my chest and to my arms. 

"Holy sh-" Garth starts to say.

"Language!" Bess shouts at her husband. I take my hands away as I finish healing the leg, to the best of my capabilities. 

"We're here!" Garth yells over his shoulder to me.

     Bess gets out of the passenger's seat and comes around to open the trunk for me to get out with the dog. I quickly slip out of the trunk and grab the dog. I run up to the front door and Bess pulls it open for me to walk through. 

"I need help! This dog needs help!" I shout as I carry him towards the front desk.

"Oh my God! What happened?" The receptionist asks.

"From what I can tell, he's been abused. Where's the vet?" I ask her.

"In the back, follow me." She stands up quickly and we rush to a door to the left of the desk.

"Oh my- What the hell happened?" A woman in scrubs asks as I lay the dog on an operating table.

"I found him in a bush behind my friend's house. From what I can tell his right hind leg is broken and he has a few broken ribs. Possible concussion." I say, both women stare at me in shock.

"How old are you?" The doctor asks me.

"17. My older cousin is studying to be a vet. I help her sometimes." I say, referring to my cousin Stefanie who is in college.

"Any experience operating on animals?" She asks. "We're a little short staffed today."

"Enough." I say.

"Grab some scrubs from that closet." She nods her head over to a door in the corner of the room.

     I run over and open the door, grabbing the smallest set of scrubs I see. They're too big on me, but I'll be fine for a while. I quickly throw them over my clothes and run back out of the closet. I wash my hands and put on gloves before putting on a mask and heading over to the table where the vet is giving the dog anesthesia.

     The dog quickly passes out and they hook him up to a ventilator. They then start to prepare tools and lay them out. "Alright, let's save this dog." The vet says.

*Time skip*

     Finally done. It took an hour and a half, but the dog is okay. His broken leg is in a cast and any open wounds he had have been stitched up. It wasn't as bad as I had originally thought. 

"Thank you." I say to the vet as we're taking off our scrubs.

"Of course." My shirt rides up as I take off the scrubs without me realizing it.

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