Chapter One // :)

Start from the beginning

Her pace became smaller steps as she contemplated if she really should be doing this. Of course, she just ranted about hating him and his stupid friends but something inside her felt guilt, in a deep part of her heart. So then, at that moment, she turned and walked the normal route. (an: istg y/n-). She walked back to where she last came from; the corner by the biology class and SLAM. Y/N collided with a long curly-haired boy who also turned at the exact time she did making a gaping wound and (most likely a devilish bruise) on both of their foreheads, bleeding. "Holy shit! I'm so sorry!" The guy got up as he steadied himself then reached a hand to her swiftly. "Are you okay?! I'll take you to the nurse's office." His eyes gave off a stinging anguish look. "Yeah, sure, just don't run into me again." Y/N murmured jokingly as she tried to hold in tears as she grabbed his ring-welded hand to be pulled up. The guy widened his eyes fully seeing her more gaping cut (like it was better if she was sitting down.) "Is it worse than yours?!" Y/N jeered and looked around as she almost shouted before looking at him again. He then took off his vest using it to cover the cut on your forehead and then directed your footing to the nurse's office 3 corridors away. 

"What's your name?" She asked her eyes venturing to the floor. "Eddie Munson, yours?" Eddie swallowed. "Y/N Harrington." She said while looking up to him, getting a clear look at the guy who gave her the injury on her forehead. He had brown doe eyes, long curly dark brown hair, a hellfire tee shirt (like Mike had on), some dirty ripped jeans, black platform boots, and an army-styled iron pendant that was slung around his neck, moving every time he walked. "Like the RICH Harringtons?!" Eddie exclaimed shocked seeming to be shocking to his core. "Yeahhh, crazy right." She stammered sarcastically as Y/N scoffed putting her hands in her jean skirt pockets awkwardly. She'd bet she looked like a sixth-grader in the manner she had right now. "Hey, whatever you're thinking Harrington don't think it. I won't treat you any different because of your higher social status and money. I mean if you didn't know, I'm not the kind of person that is invited to parties and shit. I'm not that guy. " 

"Why's that?" She directly out of pure curiosity. "My club, my 'unpopularity', my hate, or you can say, bickering towards Jason Carver. That type of bull shit that high schoolers care too much about. But indefinitely they'll be out of here starting to wonder why they even bothered." Y/N realized this was Eddie Munson, the guy Mike was talking about. She didn't know how she could be so forgetful to forget a name like that. Especially a guy with ravishing looks. She always has been forgetful. "You know Mike Wheeler? He sorta told me about your D&D club as you mentioned." Y/N slid that into the conversation. 

Eddie furrowed his brow like he thought she had something that came out differently, which she didn't understand. "It's not bad! I actually really like it." She added in an encouraging tone. "I'm honored." He joked around as they turned into the entryway of the nurse's office. "Dear lord! You two look fairly injured for just being in the passing period!" The nurse said to the both of them rushing over to her to look at both of their injuries. "Do either of you have a teacher note?" She inquisitively asked. "No ma'am, we ran into each other during the end of the passing period because we were in a rush." Eddie turned to her giving a slight grin. The nurse sighed. "You kids have to be careful, you could've gotten either of you a severe concussion-!" "Yes ma'am, we are both totally aware of the danger that could've thwarted into our lives but could you please take care of my wound because I feel really lightheaded and I don't know if it's your talking or because of MY talking."

After 15 minutes or so the nurse got them both patched up and bandaged from head to toe. Whether it was just her scuffed-up knee that barely even bled; it was tightly wrapped with a cloth. "May we both go to class?" Eddie kindly asked the woman who was tending to his "scratched" elbow. "Give me a moment." She hissed. A moment later she looked at the both of them with exchanged glances as she strutted over to her desk to grab a hall pass from her drawer. "Alright sweethearts, what is your 3rd-period class?" "Math." They said identically. "We have math together?" Y/N furrowed her eyebrows in confusion looking over at Eddie. 'Yeah?" he asked, tilting his head to look at her with dark brown eyes. "Holy shit! I didn't even know that." "It was pretty obvious when you asked me if I was in your class." "Sorry."

During convenient times, she felt she had someone to talk to about her problems when she talked to Eddie. Until they walked into the boring-ass classroom. That's when she saw Jason's piercing blue eyes stare into her own. His aura of jealousy was through the walls. Even being 13 feet away from him was ultimately frightening. She did not like people being mad at her for something as ridiculous as this. "Harrington. Munson. Hall pass?" The teacher glared at them putting his glasses to the top of his nose bridge. "Right here, sir." Eddie smiled at both of them. Oh shit. She was still carrying Eddie's jean coat that was covered in blood. She should've just given it to Eddie before getting into the classroom BUT NO, SHE BROUGHT IT IN LIKE A DUMBASS. This is probably the reason and what Jason was most angry about. Having Eddie the freak Munson's coat in her hands.

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