20. Sucky Chapter

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Narrator's Pov.

Ah, young love, how disgusting. Those two may have started off as a kidnapper and kidnappe but now they're lover and lovee. (Making up words is fun.) And their love caused this.

The pup in Songbird's womb was growing at a steady rate and of course, making her throw up, a lot.

That's why the two lovers weren't snuggling for very long before the salvia started rapidly filling her mouth. "Oh no. Not again."

Songbird got out of Blaze's embrace and hurried to the bathroom passage. She only got halfway down the passage before up came supper.

She wasn't vomiting for more than a few seconds before Blaze was behind her holding her hair back.

After the vomit session was over Songbird blew her nose. She had vomited so hard that chunks had came out her nose and some stayed in there so she blew them out.

"I'm going to bed." She mumbled as she wiped that last of the vomit from her nose. As much as he wanted to follow her back to the nest his instincts called for him to do one thing first.

Ah, urine and vomit. What a splendid duo.

Blaze returned to the nest content that his mate's smell was covered. Even though there was a good foot of snow outside which would discourage other males from moving around, he could never be too careful.

Time Skip Because This Is Boring and I Don't Know Much About Pregnancies- February

Blaze walked up to Songbird with a big, sharp toothed grin. In his hands he was carrying the bear pelt he had planned on giving her, it was finally done.

In the nest Songbird was sleeping like she did almost all the time now. If she wasn't eating everything that Blaze brought her or sending him out to get her more food she was sleeping.

"Songbird." Blaze gently called to his slumbering mate. A soft snore answered him. "Songbird." He called louder this time.

Her eyes slowly opened and stared up at him with hunger lust. "Food?" She asked excitedly as she sat up.

He shook his head and laid the bear pelt on her lap. She looked down at the pelt with interest. It was getting much colder out and now she had another blanket.

"Oh thank you so much Blaze!" She said as she pulled the pelt up higher, over the ever growing baby bump.

Blaze turned his back to her and left the cave. Seeing as she was awake now and obviously hungry it was his job to provide for her.

He returned an hour later with a grunt and a bloody face. His stomach visibly distended from how much he ate.

He would feed her then get dressed. The first time he tried feeding her while clothed his clothes got all vomity and he did not want that happening again.

"Blaze." She whined from the nest. That was enough for the young wolf-man and he hurried to the nest where he proceeded to vomit feed her.

The little pregnant woman had eaten almost all of the food in her mate's stomach, leaving practically nothing for him. Which is why he had bear meat in the storage passage to eat.

When he returned after eating some bear meat he found his precious mate trying her best to stand.

He rushed to her side and helped her to her feet. One of her hands firmly gripped her mate's arm while the other supported her lower back.

The two slowly walked well more of waddled to the bathroom passage. Songbird relied to Blaze for most everything including holding her up while she did her business.

"This is so embarrassing!" She flushed after she was done and he was helping her walk out of the bathroom passage.

Blaze rolled his eyes, this was nothing to be embarrassed about, this wasn't something intimate or taboo. In around two months he'd witness her push their puppy out of her vagina, that's something far more intimate than seeing her do her business.

"Thank you for helping me through this all." She told him lovingly as he helped her sit back down in their nest. He gave her a soft purr in response.

Once she was nestled in to his liking, he laid down with her. He pulled all of the blankets over her before finally pulling the bear pelt over it all.

He watched her lovingly, proud of how well his mate was doing in taking care of their pup. As he watched her, he couldn't help but notice a twinge in her brows.

"Give me your hand." She commanded him. He did as told and gave her his hand. She pulled his hand under the blankets and rested it on her belly.

He didn't understand why she did that. What was she wanting from him? "Do you feel it?" She asked him with hopeful eyes. He felt nothing but her dress.


She wriggled under the blankets and pulled her dress up before grabbing his hand and resting it on her belly once again.

He felt something in her stomach move and that scared him. Did she get some parasite that was going to hurt her and the puppy?!

In his panic he pulled the blankets off before kneeling over her, one knee on each side of her body. He placed both hands on her belly and felt for the parasite.

The wriggling seemed to be coming from every part of her belly. Did she have multiple parasites attacking her and the puppy?

"Why do you look so scared Blaze? It's just the baby moving." She laughed at him. He let out a happy sigh, the panic gone.

"Now get off! I'm getting cold." Instead of getting off he moved so he was laying horizontally, with his head resting on her belly.
Once comfortable he pulled the blankets up.

Was his head covered by blankets? Yes. Was there a possibility of almost suffocating under those blankets? Also yes.

None of that mattered though. Right now he could not just hear his little puppy, he could feel him move. He knew his mate was pregnant, but this made it all the more real to him.

My little puppy. Soon your Mommy and I will get to meet you. I can't wait to hold you in my arms.

This sucks even more than last chapter

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This sucks even more than last chapter.

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