18. Marks

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In the morning Songbird woke up to find herself being spooned. "Blaze. Let go of me. I have to pee." Blaze slowly opened his eyes and blinked at her. He made an unhappy face at her but obliged to her wish. Once she came back to the nest, Blaze went to the bathroom chamber and covered her scent.

I know it's cold my Songbird, but I have to give you a bath. It's just warm enough so that you won't freeze to death while I clean you.

The night's events were long forgotten as Blaze tried to explain to her that it was bath time. "Clean Songbird." He finally said. She stared at him for a minute before finally realizing he wanted to her to strip naked. She did so without comment and put her clothing by her bags. Secretly she was excited to be cleaned. After the hell she went through, it would feel good to be loved and appreciated by someone.

Once she was fully naked Blaze just stared at her. She did look different! There on the outside of her right thigh was a mark. What is that? He let out a low snarl. Songbird's eyes went wide, clearly shocked by his snarl. He grabbed her roughly and turned her so the thigh mark was facing him. He knelt down and put his face eye level with the mark. He reached out and ran a finger over it, expecting it to easily wipe off. It didn't, it was just as prominent as it was before.

The wolf-man let out another low snarl and then ran his tongue over the mark, sending a shiver through Songbird. Yet still the mark stayed. Blaze pulled back and stared at the mark, trying to decipher what it was and why it wouldn't come off.

It's another male's mark! He wanted to scream and smash things. Who the hell dared to touch his mate when she clearly belonged to him? Whoever it was was going to be ripped limb from limb. "Blaze calm down, you're scaring me." Songbird whimpered as Blaze's growls grew louder. He immediately stopped at her words. I'm sorry mate. He rubbed his head along her thigh, marking her with his scent and showing he was sorry.

Songbird gently tapped his head, signaling she forgave him. With his newfound forgiveness, he ran his tongue over the other male's mark, wanting to just lick it right off of her skin. As he thought about what male would dare to touch her he realized it was the male he ripped apart when he rescued her.

Seeing as that male was long dead, Blaze moved from that mark and licked other places. As he ran his tongue over her legs it surprised him that they were so smooth, no resistance from hair. The more he cleaned the more places he found hairless and he didn't like it. My poor Songbird, that male made you vulnerable to the cold. He spoke to himself as he worked.

That male marked you again?! The sight of the mate band on her right arm made his blood boil. Songbird could tell he was angry but she didn't understand why. He had the exact same mark on his right arm. (Why and how they got the marks was a mystery to her.)

Blaze pulled away from her and started huffing angrily, his eyes changing to red. He was having trouble reigning in his beastly instincts. Everything in him wanted to smash and kill. "Blaze, calm down." For once Songbird's words didn't automatically calm him down. He was beyond furious and that was scaring her.

"Blaze! Stop it!" She screamed at him, well more like growled. Her eyes glowed red as she glared up at him. At the sound of her growly words his eyes returned to their normal blue. "Look!" She roughly grabbed his right arm with her left hand and pointed to the mark with her right. "We have the same mark!"

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He understood that he got the mark because all werewolves get markings. But how did Songbird get one? While that was a mystery they likely would never solve, he was beyond happy that it just showed they belonged together.

He placed dozens of kisses on the mark before rubbing his face on it. He then moved his kissing to their mate mark. That mark also received dozens of kisses and scent marking. The difference here was that he started sucking on it, leaving a few hickies.

When he finally got to her face, he found that her eyebrows were now a different shape and he didn't like that. My poor Songbird.
He planted a soft kiss on her forehead before gently flipping her onto her stomach. He was relieved to find that her back birthmark was still there and unchanged.

He made quick work of her back and flipped her back over. Even though he had cleaned every inch of her, he went back to her stomach. He was drawn to it, more specifically the baby was drawing him to it. He placed dozens of kisses onto her belly before putting his ear to it. Thump. Thump. Thump. Puppy, it's Daddy. I want you to know that Mommy and I can't wait to meet you. He softly whispered.

"Blaze, I'm getting cold." The wolf-man reluctantly left her pregnant belly and went to the storage passage. He growled as he moved the rock out of the way. He then went into the passage and grabbed one of the deer hide dresses along with a pair of pants and shoes. He didn't particularly like the fringe on the dress but he knew his mother loved it so he assumed his mate would love it as well.

When he returned with the clothes, Songbird's eyes lit up. She stood and hurriedly walked to him. She practically ripped the clothes out of his hands. In a few seconds she had the pants on and a few seconds after that she had the dress.

While she had fun trying to get the shoes on Blaze went back to the passage to get clothes for himself. It disgusted him to wear his father's clothes but it had to be done. In a normal winter he would stay in beast form till spring. He couldn't do that now, now he had to be in human form because that's what his mate was.

He returned to Songbird dressed in a deerskin shirt and shoes. He wore a bearskin pair of pants that were much warmer than his shirt. Maybe he should make Songbird's bear pelt into a coat for her.

He couldn't help but notice the look that Songbird gave him when he returned. It was a mix between drooling and fuck me eyes and it made Blaze's beast side excited. But the soft thump-thump coming from her stomach put a damper to his excitement. He didn't want to take her for fear that he would hurt or kill the baby. He wasn't gentle their first time and he knew he wouldn't be gentle a second time.

The young lady was about to say something regarding how hot her mate looked when a loud rumble came from her stomach. Apparently she and the baby wanted food. Blaze gave her a knowing look before stripping out of his clothes and shifting. He was off like a shot to provide for his family.

While her mate went to hunt her food, Songbird decided to explore the storage passage. Having explored and cleaned literally every square inch of the cave, she was more than excited to see something new.

As she walked into the storage passage her eyes struggled to adapt to the darkness. With the way the passage was angled no sunlight could get in. You needed night vision to be able to see anything.

Investigating the passage would be pointless since she couldn't see, so Songbird walked back out to the main chamber and sat in the nest.

What she couldn't understand was why Blaze didn't just bring the bear meat out of the passageway. That would be an easier meal than having him hunt down something.

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