" Oh." Copper said sadly coming to a realization . " You relapsed didn't you?"

Imani nodded her head as her eyes filled with tears.

" When?" Copper asked.

" A couple nights ago." Imani said. " I know I should've said something, especially to Nicki. I promised her I would but I just couldn't, I needed to do it."

" I understand." Copper said.

Imani looked surprised and said. " You aren't going to get mad at me?"

" No of course not. You know I've felt those same urges, only difference is that I didn't give into them because you were there for me. Just because you did doesn't mean you did anything wrong, it just means that me and the other girls here need to be a better support system for you and we will. You don't have to tell the other girls if you don't want to but you need to tell Nicki, even if you think it'll hurt her to hear." Copper said.

" I know, I know. I will. Thank you Copper, it means a lot." Imani said and the two hugged before getting up.

" Time is up. I'm calling it." Copper said and did just that.

The girls slowly all filed back in the main room and Nicki made eye contact with Imani noticing her teary eyes.

Nicki walked over to her putting her hand along the small of Imani's back and led her out of the room and back to their own.

Nicki had Imani sit down and sat next to her on the bed.

" What's going on Imani?" Nicki asked concerned.

" Please don't be mad at me for not telling you before, but I relapsed a couple nights ago. I'm so sorry." Imani said and her tears flowed more and more.

Nicki pulled Imani in immediately and soother her while she cried into her neck.

" It's okay. I'm not mad. I wish you had told me so I could've helped you sooner, but it's okay. You told me now and now I'm here. Can we talk about it right now, or it is too much to handle at the moment?" Nicki said softly.

" We can talk about it." Imani said still nestled into Nicki's chest.

" Okay, did you clean it after?" Nicki asked.

" No." Imani said.

" Okay, that's okay. Can you show me so I can clean it for you now?" Nicki asked .

Imani pulled away from Nicki and lifted her shirt up to show her the new cuts that littered her stomach.

Imani noticed a tear fall from Nicki's eye and gently reached up and wiped it off for her.

" I'm really sorry Nicki." Imani said.

" You don't have to apologize, it's okay, really. I just care about you a lot so my emotions run wild." Nicki said. " I know we've not known each other long and this might be too soon for you, but I love you Imani."

Imani pulled Nicki's face in kissing her before saying, " It's not too soon, I love you too."

Nicki smiled and said. " Good, now as someone who you love and who loves you, I'm gonna clean these now alright ."

Imani nodded and Nicki cleaned and bandaged her up before heading back to the main room where the other girls were.

" Hey guys. I have something to say to you all if that's okay." Imani said.

The girls looked up and Anna spoke.

" Of course Imani! We would love to hear you share!" Anna said enthusiastically causing the other girls to give her weird stares.

" Uh, okay then. Well, I know you all don't really need to know but I felt like I should share. I relapsed a couple days ago. I'm okay though now." Imani said and grabbed Nicki's hand.

" Thanks for sharing." Anna said. " Would you like to share the feelings behind everything?"

" Fuck Anna, can you stop trying to be this wannabe therapist. This isn't a meeting, this is our lives now for the time being so just stop." Copper said and Anna looked taken aback.

Alissa put her hand on Copper's thigh trying to calm her and said, " She just meant that we don't need this kind of pressure to heal and everything during this insane time."

" Fine." Anna said and got up. " Glad you're okay Imani." She said before leaving the room.

Ryann got up and came up to Imani. " Hug?" She asked.

" Yeah." Imani said with a smile and hugged Ryann.

" I'm here for you Imani." Alissa said and Copper winked at her as a nod to the fact that they already talked.

" Same here." Said Lyza.

" Thanks guys." Imani said and the girls disbursed.

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