Chapter 2

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" Okay, um , I have no idea what is happening right now but I do know that this building is new and very secure and air tight, so we will be safe in here." Anna said to the stunned girls.

" Are there other people in this building, should we go find them and see if they know what's happening?" Nicki asked Anna

" No." Anna said and her face became ghostly. " The rest of the building was supposed to be rented out today for a big event but they canceled at the last minute so the owners said everyone else working could just take the day off except me because we had the separate room for an allotted time. We are the only people in the building."

" Fuck." Alissa said. " What do we do then?"

" I have no idea. I guess we just take it hour by hour for now because I have no idea how long we will be stuck here. The good thing is that the kitchen was just stocked yesterday so we should have plenty of food and water. I say we split up and some of us can make dinner while the rest of us can go collect whatever they can find from other rooms to make us some makeshift beds. There's definitely some couches around that would also work." Anna said.

" So 4 and 3, I say 4 of us do living arrangements and the other 3 make some kind of dinner. " Copper said.

" I agree." said Anna.

" Okay, so how about me , Alissa, Nicki, and Imani go find bed things and you, Lyza, and Ryann work on dinner." Copper said to Anna and Anna nodded. "Oh shit, I'm sorry Ryann, I didn't even think about how that might affect you, do you want to switch me?"

" No, no, I'll be okay, it'll be good for me to try and work through." Ryann said unupset about Copper's suggestion.

" Okay, my bed people follow me." said Copper and Alissa, Nicki and Imani followed her out of the room.

" Alright girls, let's head to the kitchen." said Anna, and Lyza and Ryann followed her.

As the group of 4 wandered the halls and the multiple rooms in the building looking for furniture , blankets, and whatever else they could scrounge up, they walked in pairs, Alissa and Copper up front, and Nicki and Imani in the rear.

" Are you okay?" Nicki asked Imani as they followed the other two into a room that appeared to be a staff lounge and began picking up blankets and pillows to carry back to the main room.

" Yeah, I'm just kind of in shock. This doesn't feel real." Imani said

" I know, it feels like we are in a movie right now. I can't stop thinking about what if we are never able to leave this place." Nicki said as all the girls made their way back to the original room with armfulls of stuff.

" I thought that too, but we can't think that way. We have to keep hope and in the meantime try to make this the best we can for ourselves." Imani said.

" You're right. I'm honestly scared though, like we are quite literally a bunch of addicts, what if we can't not use our vices?" Nicki asked.

" Well we are just going to have to be there for eachother. I can tell you right now that I am 100 percent here for you Nicki. If you feel the urge to do some very long and strenuous exercise, you tell me, and you and I will just take a nice stroll up and down the halls instead, okay." Imani said as she dumped the contents of her arms onto the floor of the room as did the other three girls.

" Thanks Imani, and I'm here too if you need me." Nicki said with a slight smile.

" Alright chatties, round two, we need to move the couches from the lounge. I think me and Copper can carry one and you two can carry the other. It's close." Alissa said, gesturing to Nicki and Imani.

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