ROSENIVERSE Episode 16 "CRYSTAL School" #2

Start from the beginning

[Speedy Queen. Misoon]

Miyoung: Please sit here!

[Jisoon has been chosen as Misoon's dance partner]

Hayoon: Oh I wish I was part of this too


Miyoung: 15 seconds right?

Jihye: I'm getting goose bumps

(Look at those eyes change)
[Can Misoon be the master of this game too? Tension explodes]
(LOL what is this)
[Misoon full of excitement and... our one and only teacher]
[What is she doing... Tension reaches max level]
[This time from the front! Don't know where to look]
[Let's get this dance party started]
[Mission stop! Already?]

Teacher: She was so close from getting drunk in her own dance just then

Miyoung: Yeah I admit that. Yeah guys be careful... As soon as the music turns on, you feel your eyes flipping

Teacher: You know exactly what I mean right?

Miyoung: Yeah I do

[Tension explodes as soon as the music starts]
[Was difficult to contain myself]

Teacher: You can feel yourself getting fully into it.

Miyoung: I was close from leaving the scene like him

(So funny)

Teacher: I recommend leaving for a bit if it gets too hard to contain yourself

[Let's check out Misoon's time!]

Hayoon: I wanna know!

[Misoon's record was 18.12 seconds]

Teacher: That is not bad

[Satisfied Misoon]
[15 seconds is shorter than you think]

Teacher: The person who gets 15 seconds correct exactly gets promoted to vice principle

[Next up is Jisoon. Her preparation move is slightly odd]
(What is she trying to do?)
[Jisoon's dance move is difficult to comprehend. Everyone somewhat absorbs her moves]
[We're all falling into this. I'm feeling it!]
[Jisoon mission stop!]

Miyoung: This was less than 10 seconds

Hayoon: I think she's right on 15 seconds

Nari: I think she stopped it at 14 seconds

[How close was Jisoon?]

Teacher: Her dance score is similar to this number

[Jisoon stopped the time at 17 seconds]
(That was so close!)
[Jisoon still fully in her zone]

Hayoon: You did this too

Miyoung: Isn't that a zombie?

[Current score]
(18 seconds VS 17 seconds)
[Next up is Soonna]

Miyoung: She's the dancer of our group

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