Start from the beginning

"Where's Clary and Lexi?" I ask before looking around the room.

Alana looks around with me, "You're the only one in here."

Fear drops into my stomach. "No, no, no we have to find them. No, you have to leave, I have to find them."

"News flash, Francesca, I am not leaving your idiotic side until we are home." She unties me before grabbing my chin. "If you ever drug me against my will, again, I will murder you myself."

"I was protecting you." I groan as I finally pay attention to the pain going through me. I touch my side and feel the wound, my mind races as there's a lot of blood. "I would do it again."

"You're so frustrating."

"How did you even find me?" I hold onto my side.

Alana scoffs, "All of your passwords are annoyingly easy to guess."

My eyes widen, "No they're not."

"Right, if you say so." She smirks, "AlanaSalvatore01?"

I blush hard, "I needed a password on my new safe."

"Mhm, you're adorable." Alana chuckles before holding out her hand. "Come on, we need to find the others."

I wipe the blood that coats my fingers on my jeans and thank the gods that I am wearing all black so she can't see that I'm casually bleeding out. It was a situation that I would deal with later on but for right, now I need to find my friends and kill my brother. Plus, it wasn't bleeding very fast, so technically not bleeding out but heavy enough that my fingers were pretty slick. The pressure of laying on my side probably helped a lot.

"Are you okay?" I ask Alana.

Alana is quiet for a second, "If you are. Are you okay?"

"If you are," I answer softly.

Alana stares at me, "I meant what I said in my vows, Francesca...I am pissed at you but you are the love of my life."

"I was protecting you." I say again and she cast her eyes to the side. "Maybe a part of me was being selfish because I wanted you to fall in love with me but it was to protect you too."

"Our friends are waiting for us to save them, we can talk about this when your brother is dead." She yanks open the door and I don't argue with her.

"Did you come here alone?"

"Of course not," Adonis says and this man looks like he's been through a war. "It's all clear, they're not on this floor."

"Doni!" I whisper and he messes up my hair.

"Hey, boss, nice to see you're not dead."

"You too, hot stuff, where's Ole Harve?" There's a grunt and then Harvey is dragging a guard up the stairs like he's a sack of rocks. He drops the man at my feet.

"Boss, you're alive, thank god! I could not deal with her for the rest of my life, she's so bossy." Harvey rumbles before reloading his gun. "She also worries, a lot, I've never heard someone to say what if so many times."

I smile, "Harvey, be careful, she'll hurt you."

"Yeah, I'm still healing from my broken arm." He shoots at Alana.

Alana smirks with a careless shrug, "Next time don't get in my way."

Adonis snorts and Harvey pushes her shoulder and they share a smile. I didn't know my bodyguards had grown a relationship with Alana so close but it was nice to see. Alana could easily get everyone to love her, she was true light.

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