Happy Be-Day/V Day!

Start from the beginning


'I am very glad to meet you, Mr and Mrs Jung.' I say, bowing as low as I can go.

The protests from Hoseok ring loudly... and singularly.

'I am glad she's polite.' an older man's voice says quietly as Hoseok works to get me to stand up.

'Dear, you know he'd only be bonded to someone worthy of him.' A woman who looks a lot like Hoseok says. The gentleman sitting next to her is like looking into the future... through a warped glass mirror. Hoseok got enough genes from both that it's very obvious that he is truly their child.

I blink, trying to get my mind around the idea of Hoseok one day being as old as his father.

'Noona said you'd take this well.' Hoseok says into the quiet.

We're sitting in their hotel suite. The living space is quiet, somber, and neat. It matches his father perfectly. His mother's freshly pressed dress is a nod towards the neatness, but you can see where Hoseok's sister gets her creative flair with clothes.

Actually, it looks like she's wearing some of her daughter's designs tonight.

'I apologize for my lack of language skills. I didn't know I'd need to be fluent in your amazing language until several months ago. I promise to work at it and be better.' I say. Hoseok's father nods and gets up, heading to the in-room bar to make himself a drink.

'And that's my signal to say good night to you both.' Hoseok's mom says, clapping her hands and getting up.


After being escorted to the door of their suite, kisses between Hoseok and his mom on each other's cheeks and a firm but smiling handshake from her...

I glance up at him as he walks to the elevator. I go to ask something, but he notices and shakes his head, mouth firmly closed, and grabs my hand, slowly drawing circles on the top of my hand with his thumb.

It's only when we get into the elevator, he presses the button for the floor of the restaurant, and the door closes and we descend before he lets go of the tension in his frame.

'That went better than I expected.' He mutters, pulling me into a hug like he needs to hold onto something.

'What just happened?' I ask, leaning my head against his chest, hugging him back.

'I'll explain while we eat. Let me just hug you until we get off the elevator, please?' He asks. I nod and close my eyes, losing myself in his warmth and the smell of the cologne he put on tonight,


'My parents were an arranged marriage. I'm not sure there was ever animosity between them, but I am absolutely positive that they aren't soul mates.' Hoseok says, wincing as he admits his thoughts.

'Is that going to cause problems for them, having them affected by us meeting them and them getting the soul bond... process?' I ask, sipping at my water.

'I don't know. I don't think so, but who knows.' He shrugs, grabbing a piece of bread on the table, tearing it into pieces... neatly, over his plate.

'But, this is a date, and a Valentine's Day date at that.' He slowly smiles, looking up at me from the pile of crumbs on his plate.

'Curious, because if I remember correctly, Valentine's Day is when girls give the guys a gift, and white day is when the guys reciprocate.' I add, my mouth quirking up.

'Hmmm.. you're right. You can pay me back when you get your paycheck from HYBE. I'll even accept a payment plan, so you can keep some of your money each month until it's paid off.' The twinkle in his eyes are back, the mischief that each of the guys is known for practically glowing from his skin.


'I never expected you to want three desserts!' I exclaim, mock shock on my face. The city in the window of the car door behind him shows the passing signage that I can almost read. 

I redirect my focus back to Hoseok.

'Well, where do you think all that energy I have comes from?' Hoseok replies, smirking.

'You mean the sunshiny energy, or the dance boss energy?' I question.

'Hmmm... how about my dancing energy while on stage? I mean, Bapsae has a lot of energy...' the smirk twists as his eyes darken, fueling my imagination of his dancing skills and how hey can be used.

'I seem to remember your talents at cleaning are the best in the group.' I arch an eyebrow, echoing his smirk.

The driver enters the code for the dorm's building at the reinforced gate and lets us off at the entrance to the elevator that I vaguely remember from the first time we arrived.

Once inside and heading up Hoseok does his level best to remind me of how good his cleaning skills are. In the back of my mind, however, I'm facepalming at my innuendo.

As he opens the massive door to the dorm the noise level goes through the metaphorical roof, the karaoke party the rest of his bandmates have planned for him already in full swing.

It made my heart full to see his smile stretch his features the whole night.

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