EDF (4.1 preferably) and RWBY

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Base idea the entire country of Japan is transported to the middle of the RWBY world, basically in the middle of everything if possible but not to close to any one continent. When they appear it's super quickly noticed by basically everyone because of well a tsunami if you want, all that displaced water has to do something.

This below is just what I thought of so take it if you want.

General world ideas (it's basically a rant with spaces)
The EDF controlled area would have no natural Grimm, but will have giant insects which if you want could slowly move to other areas of the globe for plot points and to build connections.
EDF forces will have no natural sources of Dust but will find oil and other essential resources nearby and from trading with other places.
Grimm and Giant Insects I would think will act hostilely to each other, attempting to control land in a never ending dispute.
No Erginus monsters will be there unless you have a plot point otherwise it would steamroll a kingdom before a meaningful defense or offense could be put up (this is assuming I'm not missing any F### off weapons in RWBY).
since there are no natural resources EDF forces would use either laser/plasma weapons as a baseline or use gunpowder weapons for serious engagements, creating and testing dust weapons and bullets for more general purpose duties so as to not waste potentially expensive and rare resources in bullets more powerful then common dust bullets.
The EDF mainland would have no natural faunas, or if you wanted could have people genetically mutate into insect like faunas to potentially Erginus, Dragon, or Spider like to show a connection between them and the giant insects?
While White Fang might view the EDF government as pro human it would ultimately be a more Pro living type government, more focused on actually having people alive then squabbling over anything, if your with them they are with you basically, making it a White Fang hotspot in aggressive actions and also peaceful negotiation, quickening the split between the White fang from peaceful to aggressive terrorist actions, would ultimately lead to a Faunas Civil War.
The bugs if then move underground and stuff to other areas could cause mass panic as suddenly citizens inside the kingdom main cities could be attacked in their own homes, this would probably lead to global militarization and ultimately force Man/Faunas kind to be more aggressive against threats to their existence.
EDF forces would out power all current powers just by sheer firepower.
Because of their transportation No EDF citizen can access an aura, or a semblance, instead I would assume most women would develop psychic abilities and have more positive recruits for there wingdivers while men would probably just get stronger then normal, either through genetic modification or from a different type of psychic ability more focused on physical enhancement and pain endurance.
EDF healing technology and armor would make them the quickest raise in the market the would would probably ever see, since they can allow normal citizens without aura to survive life threatening wounds and even tank hits with the armor if they had some.
Natural Remnant citizens cannot have Psychic powers, it can be your own au if a child borne in Remnant form EDF parents would have the powers of both or if a child borne of both Remnant and edf parents would have both (Sam sides would apply to Faunas unless you did mutation route)

Possible weapons/Vehicles
We don't want Rule of god or Vulcan hammer ZM levels of stupid at the start so let's say a max level of weapons to like 50, a good medium with some special weapons package stuff going to 80 but the most basic and everyday equipment for common foot soldiers would be around level 20-30 with officers getting the more 30-50 stuff, special forces like Storm team get 50-80, any weapon you want to give to a soldier but it out levels their respective cap you could modify to make worse in some ways, make it much less accurate or force the user to have more realistic recoil for a super powerful gun, it's really just a baseline of what could be.
Special forces equipment should not be abundantly available or easily stolen, it would be stupid for White Fang to just stroll in and steal a High level ST rifle from EDF forces, even one would wreck havoc on all other forces on remnant so yeah, and you shouldn't spam high level weapons anyway adds more flavor and possibly more creativity.
For dust equivalents I would say just reduce muzzle speed and reduce damage but add special effects on hit, of course more conventional weapons should still be available and gunpowder should be the main propellant for EDF forces but having some extremely cheap easy to acquire bullets to just hand out to civilian or police forces would be a good idea.
Edf forces would most likely begin a period where women can join normal ranks if they don't have an aptitude for the Wingdiver equipment, though the same cannot be said for men women would most likely never become special forces simply from levels of output a female can put out compared to a man, this is highlighted if you out the psychic idea from above into effect.
Edf forces can expect the Despina and Whale to be on standby, mission of transportation can be of the writers choosing, projected air power can be expected to include atleast a wing of fighter bombers and a dozen or so dedicated bombers, support craft, and The Whale with 1-2 counterparts of similar or the same design to assist in other areas.
Tanks, APC's, Bikes, Medical Vehicles, Helicopters, and Mechs would all be seen as normal and probably quickly mass produced if possible very quickly, and while attempts would be made to have Dust powered variants electric batteries and gas would still be mainstream even after they have much cheaper variants.
Edf medical equipment would make huntsmen in general seem unneeded until needed cause suddenly a normal person can pick up a gun to kill Grimm and possibly survive lethal wounds without aura, of course it would never actually happen like that as military forces would be bolstered by such marvels and such, though you could have EDF forces be more secluded in terms of technology and sharing their advantages with possible enemy's.
In term of armor and such power armor would be excluded from any deals as the amount of deviation they could bring is to much of a game changer, but average trooper armor should be fine to produce and sell, with the amount of protection and stuff it could offer it might help.
If you really want to and go for the Bugs threaten the world from underground idea you could sell Information and lead raids and defenses against the bugs, in tern EDF command and government would be given access to data about Grimm (Sam Echols be done for general history).
Could add special force types from other EDF games if you want, like the Heavy Stiker from Iron Rain able to project a shield, or the Prowl Rider able to tame and call upon giant insects and have wall running and AOT levels of movement with their grappling hooks.

Enemy's to expect, from the EDF world.
Really whatever you want that you can reasonably handle, if you want to have a world that's basically just all giant ants, cool, if you want to add ticks from insect Armageddon that's ok, but don't over do it and say your gonna add gold ants then wipe the entire planet with a skittering swarm of acid shotgun tanks that one shot normal troopers at the worst and decimate entire squads at best all while shrugging off damage and only being killed by stun locking them, which is now not applicable as real world would cause them to just ignore such meaningless damage.

Idk what to put now, my rant kinda ran out of steam.

Of course this is up to the potential writers picking and choosing, as is the same with all of my ideas really I just think these would make for the more interesting stories at the moment.

1404 total words including this disclaimer.

Story suggestions (mostly warhammer 40k)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin