Chapter 1

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Legal: I don't own Power Rangers or any of the associated names, characters, places etc. Anything not covered above or not seen in the show are assumed to be the creation of the author.

Rated T: Mild adult themes, language and violence.


"So, you're going back?" A girl with brown hair said to her younger brother. Her brown eyes  practically pierced through his back as he took an apple. "Good. We don't need you here anyway"

"Nicky, I told you already," He turned around, his gaze fixated on his sister. "I made a mistake years ago. I know I can't go back and fix it, but maybe I can learn more about my tiger spirit"

"Yeah, Nick, give him a break. You know what happened wasn't his fault" Another girl with blonde hair and blue eyes said to her elder sister. "He was young-"

"-and foolish" Nicky threw the comment back. "Josie, HOW can you forgive him?"

"It wasn't his fault! He was stuck between a rock and a hard place!" Josie said to Nicky in frustration. Their brother sighed.

"Can you guys discuss me another time?" He rubbed his temples. "Like when I'm not here?"

Suddenly a third girl with dirty blonde hair emerged from the living room. She sighed as she grabbed her brother's bags and walked towards the door.

"Casey, let's get you away from here" She said eyeing her elder sisters. "Before this gets out of hand"

"Ria's right, you know?" Josie responded, moving some of her hair from her face. "He'll be late for his first day at the Pai Zhuq Academy!"

"Don't get too excited" Casey said to her as he took his bags from Ria. "I haven't even left the door... "

"CASEY, RIHANNON, NICOLE, JOSEPHINE, GET OUT HERE NOW!!" Their mother screamed. Nicky just turned to Casey.

"Why does she want us to come with you anyway?" She said in confusion. Casey pinched the bridge of his nose.

"She just wants my annoying sisters to be there when I enter the academy" He barely finished that sentence before their mother honked the horn of the car.

Nicky shook her head as she and her siblings left the house. They all entered the car and drove off.

At the Pai Zhuq Academy, a blonde was wiping her forehead with a towel, exhausted from sparring with her friend. Someone else came up to her, laughing.

"Tired already, Lily?" Her friend mocked. Lily glared.

"In your dreams, Theo!" She retorted.

Lily and Theo have history. They go way back, back when they were cubs. They have had each others backs since forever. They share a strong bond, and hope to achieve one thing: They hope to become Jungle Masters. They had been sparring with each other earlier in order to increase their skills.

"Right" Theo said unconvinced. "Wait, who's that?"

Lily looked in the direction that he was pointing at. She saw a brunet boy, quite tall, standing there in black sweatpants and a red T-shirt by the gate. They watched as three girls emerged for the gates as well. The one with the blonde hair had said something, next thing they know, all four of them were screaming at each other.

Then a woman, slightly older than all of them began to scold them all, while they quieted down. Theo just shook his head at them as Lily spoke.

"They must be related" She said having watched them bicker. Theo sighed in response.

"What a family" He replied sarcastically. Lily swatted him. Soon an elderly man appeared beside the two friends. They both greeted him by bow forward slightly with their fist in their left hand.

"Master Mao? Who are they?" Theo asked him. Mao answered him without his gaze leaving his new student.

"They are the Rhodes. Their only son has been admitted here for training" He answered them. "The rest have been trained well"

"So that guy... He's gonna be in our academy?" Lily asked him, curiosity taking over.

"Does he even have experience of any sort?" Theo asked him.

"He's still a cub" Mao responded while Theo threw his hands up in the air.

"Just what we need, another cub" Lily swatted him again. Master Mao shook his head.

"I will ignore your negativity, Theo" He said as Theo hushed up.  Lily wanted to know more.

"What's his animal spirit?" She asked. Mao turned to her.

"Tiger" Lily and Theo's mouth dropped open. The Tiger Spirit is ultimately one of the most powerful and most scarce spirits to be born with.

"That's really rare!" Theo remarked. "The last Tiger Master that existed was alive over 100 years ago!"

"That is true. And it is my job to train Casey in the ways of the Tiger" Master Mao told them.

With Casey, Casey stood there, trying his best to tolerate his sister's constant worrying. Well, at least two of them anyway. Nicky decided to remain in the car.

"Are you sure you have everything?" Josie asked him. Casey rolled his eyes.

"Yes, I'm sure." He said, patting his backpack which had his PJs. Ria and Josie calmed down slightly.

"Sorry bro, it's just...its tough. And with your spirit..." Ria tailed off. Casey felt a little bad. So he said:

"I'll be fine guys" He said sadly. "I know I couldn't save dad... I failed, believe me, I know. But I promise you that I'll do everything I can to keep you safe, no matter how far I am from you" He told his younger sisters.

They took him by surprise though, hugging him tightly. They both kissed either cheek as he smiled.

"We love you, dude" Josie said to him before slapping the back of his head.

"OW!" He shrieked. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?"

"THAT was for calling us annoying" Ria answered on Josie's behalf. "Bye now, Master Mao is waiting for you"

"And if you don't call frequently, I will hunt you down" Josie threatened as Casey chuckled.

"I promise I will" He looked to the car where he saw Nicky sitting. She glared at him, her eyes flashed a violet color before facing forward. His mom walked up to him.

"My baby's all grown up" Mrs Rhodes told her son hugging him tightly.

"MOM!" He exclaimed in humiliation. His mom chuckled wiping a tear.

"It was necessary" She responded. "Casey, I know you feel guilty about what happened to your dad... But I want you to know that I'm proud of you for making it this far in life. I'm sure he's proud of you too"

Casey wiped the tear that rolled down his cheek.

"Thanks mom" He turned around and began walking to his new master. Ria looked to her mother.

"Do you think he'll be alright?" She asked. Casey changed a lot since their father's death. It was strange to them. He had lost a lot of confidence. Mrs Rhodes just sighed.

"I don't know dear. It's bad enough your father isn't here with us" Her voice lowered. "Nicky hating on him at the moment doesn't really make anything better"

"Well, we should go before we embarrass Casey any further.

Back with Lily, Theo and Master Mao, they watched as the new potential Tiger Master approached them. He nervously held the strap of his backpack as he reached them.

"Hello, Casey" Master Mao greeted. "I'm Master Mao and I'll be teaching how to control your Tiger Spirit"


I hope you enjoyed! Anyone reading my Dino fury books, just know I'm working on those too. AND Josie will be played by Jade Pettyjohn. Thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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