Chapter 1: A world without Goku

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Gohan: We really appreciate this, Bulma.

*The four enjoy a nice meal together and relax*

Trunks: Oh, (Y/N). I got something to show you, come with me.

*Trunks and (Y/N) get up from their seat and go to another room. While looking at (Y/N) walk away with Trunks, Gohan gets an idea*

Gohan: Bulma, I need to ask you a favor.

Bulma: Sure! What's up?

*While Gohan tells Bulma his plan Trunks shows (Y/N) some blueprints. When (Y/N) sees it he's instantly shocked*

(Y/N): Bulma is planning to build a time machine?

Trunks: Yeah, she's been planning this for a while. We searched for materials all day and we got what we need.

(Y/N): Incredible... If she makes it work.

Trunks: We'll be able to travel to the past.

(Y/N): Wow... Bulma really is something else.

Trunks: Unfortunately, construction will take her a lot of time. Most likely years.

(Y/N): Yeah, I figured. A time machine is not something you can build in a month. *Sigh* That means that until then the androids will still keep with their rampage.

*(Y/N) puts the blueprints down while Trunks clenches his right fist*

Trunks: We can't let those monsters keep getting away with this, (Y/N). They need to be stopped!

(Y/N): I know, but there's not much you and I can do right now, Trunks. Not unless we train.

Trunks: Then we need to start training! We can't keep hiding and let Gohan handle them on his own.

(Y/N): I know. That's why I asked him to train me and we'll start tomorrow.

Trunks: Wait really?! You're training with Gohan?!

(Y/N): Shhh! Don't want Bulma to hear or she'll tell my mom!

Trunks: S-Sorry. But wow I can't believe Gohan agreed.

(Y/N): Took a small moment to convince him but he accepted in the end. Hey, you should join us too. I'm sure Gohan would agree to train you too as long as Bulma doesn't find out.

Trunks: It'll be hard to trick mom but... If it means me getting strong enough to fight the androids then so be it!

(Y/N): That's the spirit, man!

Gohan: Hey, (Y/N)! Time for us to go!

(Y/N): Right!

*(Y/N) and Trunks go back where Gohan and Bulma are*

Bulma: Before you leave I got something for you two.

*Bulma hands (Y/N) and Gohan two phones*

(Y/N): Phones?

Bulma: To help all of us to stay in contact. Either via call or text. Trunks already gave phones too to Master Roshi and the others in the sub.

Gohan: Nice, this might come in handy. Thanks, Bulma! And thanks for the meal too!

Bulma: Anytime! You're both always welcome here!

*(Y/N) and Gohan head out*

Gohan: Alright, little bro. Time for you to go back home.

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