"A walk in the park with you"

Start from the beginning

Karl's grip tightens on Sapnap’s hand, the other reciprocating the gentle gesture of love by turning to his side and kissing the man's cheek, making the other giggle.

"We're going through the park right? The one on Creekwood avenue?" George simply questions, the blond clearing his throat before answering, their two pinky fingers, George's left and Dream's right now intertwined into one another.

"Uh yeah yeah. I think we might have been there before." Dream answers, small squeeze running through the connection between the two.

"I think I remember it. It's the really pretty one" George continues, meeting Dream's eyes for just a second before they fling back down to Daniel, who thankfully had fallen asleep already.

"You're the really pretty one" Dream speaks without thinking, George's face dropping as a deep red blush washes over his features.

"George, I'm sorry I shouldn't have-"

"It's fine Dream, don't worry" he mumbles, finger loosening from the blond's, body pulling slightly away. He needed distance, and whatever they were doing wasn't helping the whole feelings situation.

"I'm gonna go talk to Sapnap and Karl" he grumbles, eying the floor as he backs up and moves over to the men still happily intertwined.

"Trouble in paradise?" Sapnap quips, deep smile on his lips as George rolls his eyes.

"Shut up. I just needed some space okay?"

"Well yeah I mean when you like someone it's good to have some distance-" Karl joins in now, stopping abruptly as he felt Sapnaps elbow in his side.

Sapnap's eyes widen as he shakes his head towards Karl already knowing he fucked up.

"Sapnap! You told Karl?" George shouts quietly, quickly gazing towards the blond who was still walking along the sidewalk a couple feet in front of him, he prayed he couldn't hear their conversation.

"I'm sorry okay? It slipped out! I just can't keep any secrets from him." Sapnap defended himself, looking not at all sorry.

George was fuming, the brunet had promised to not tell anyone! And he did anyways, he broke the promise.

"Hey George, chill, I knew anyways" Karl interrupts the building explosion that he could see forming in George's head, that would ultimately lead to both of them getting screamed at.

"Huh? What do you mean you knew?"

"Oh please, have you seen you two? It's pretty obvious if you ask me" George slaps a hand over Karl's arm at the words, the blush on his face deepening to the darkest shade of red.

"Also, why are things still so weird between you two? I thought you talked?" Sapnap added, confused look on his face.

"Sapnap, it's not that easy okay? We did talk but-" he pauses and gives Dream's back another look, slightly zoning out from how defined his muscles were even in a thick hoodie.

"that's not all we did" he finally finishes his sentence, desperately avoiding the other's look, much rather keeping his pupils on the figure in front of him that was Dream, who was still alone and he felt quite bad now for leaving him.

Sapnap and Karl share a look in confusion, before Karl's face lights up in sheer excitement and understanding.

"Oh my god. What did you do? Tell us tell us!" He screamed, loud enough for pretty much the entire neighborhood to hear, which meant Dream also heard it and it made him turn around and curiously eye the three men that walked side by side all of them looking equally as guilty as if he had just caught them doing something bad.

Grow up, grow old, but let's do it together (Dnf Kidfic) Where stories live. Discover now